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meangreenfaninno last won the day on June 26 2022

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  1. Totally agree. I am thinking they have been making some progress with facility funding and that is important. Good facilities will break an NIL money tie between two G5 clubs.
  2. But how does your methodology respectfully make us anymore than a glorified community college. Does the NCAA just not give a shit about the smaller programs anymore? Seems like it is very unfair.
  3. Great post. I am saddened by all of these developments and I know many more that are as well.
  4. Come on man, it is high time we quit with the "pretend" football NIL crap. We don't have a football NIL. It is that simple. We have an group of Houston alumni that is trying to make money off of us by pretending to be a real NIL. If these guys had raised anything of significance we would have surely heard it by now. They have 6-7 teams including Southwest Texas State they do this crap for. What a joke. I refuse to acknowledge we have a football NIL anymore.
  5. Great season and good representation for the AAC.
  6. They were pretty good and had some good players.
  7. Terrible loss!
  8. How can we possibly already be in the bonus? There has to be a mistake!
  9. How can we possibly already be in the bonus? There has to be a mistake!
  10. How can we possibly already be in the bonus? There has to be a mistake!
  11. How can we possibly already be in the bonus? There has to be a mistake!
  12. How can we possibly already be in the bonus? There has to be a mistake!
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