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Everything posted by MeanGreenPatriot

  1. Yet you provide absolutely no links to back anything up? Look, you are a flaming liberal that hates Trump, we all get it. But anytime someone asks about this current, pathetic administration you back track and never answer a direct question. You would make an excellent politician.
  2. Talk about being passive and rolling over to take the bone. I want your car, you should just give it to me. Damn man.
  3. Yes, I am sure the Denton types will be there, like always.
  4. Didn’t take long for someone to throw out the over, misused and mostly incorrect R word. If you can’t beat them, accuse them of being a racist. Nice job.
  5. Not really a hot topic around here. Hardly anybody posts their opinion on uniforms.
  6. Uh oh, you are stirring up some major sh*t. You are killing a certain narrative.
  7. I can’t unsee that
  8. Simple question so guessing your answer is yes. Thanks for your feedback.
  9. Should people that drink and smoke be removed from donor lists as well? After all, everyone knows the health risks of alcohol and tobacco. Also, should fat people be removed? Lots of health complications due to obesity. Not taking medical advice and losing weight like Drs prescribe should be cause for removal, correct?
  10. I am from the backwater hick town of Southlake. We are all lazy slackers.
  11. if you have to try and convince others you are weird, are you really weird? Denton isn't Austin, not sure why the boner trying to emulate them.
  12. Not 100% sure but I think our business and engineering schools are much larger than any liberal arts school we have on campus. UNT is weird because the whole freaking city of Denton is weird and when I say weird, I mean plain apathetic to everything. It has the laziest citizens in the state, they don't support anything.
  13. He's got balls, gotta give him that.
  14. Health Risks of Overweight & Obesity | NIDDK (nih.gov)
  15. unless he is well endowed or has a fat wallet.
  16. You think this fanbase is bad? These guys are tame compared to most boards. Fans gripe and complain, its what we do.
  17. Rogan took advice from many medical experts and the concoctions he used work. Who took advice from Rogan? The same idiots that took advice from Fauci?
  18. Supporting this program does me absolutely no good and is definitely not my top priority. There are activities that bring more joy than sitting in a 75% empty Apogee stadium with poor connection, crappy sound system and lousy team play. I don't worry about what is good for North Texas, WB or SL, only worry about me and my family. I am sure you can understand my stance.
  19. just because you don't like what Rogan says doesn't make it a stream of consciousness without filter. I don't particularly care for Don Lemon but.....you get my point.
  20. Another swing and a miss by CBL. You an art major or just bad at fractions/percentages?
  21. I did make an effort to tone it down for the weak. Now, what is your opinion on the article?
  22. We are becoming such a weak, pampered society. Next they will make basic military less intense....wait, already happened.
  23. I just pulled a hammy thinking about doing one.
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