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  1. Got excited at first because I read "Eric Morris" at first ....oh well.
  2. I misspelled his name...my bad. *Craponi
  3. Nothing. Absolutely unacceptable defense. I don't care how good the offense is if we can't stop decent teams from running all over our weak defense.
  4. 52 points allowed. Another display of how bad our defense is. Yet...of course we won't fire overpaid Caponi. So North Texas.
  5. What a let down. Our defense is trash as usual. Offense inconsistent. This ain't it.
  6. If only we could have an AVERAGE defense...we'd be at the top of the American without fearing our next three games.
  7. I really have no idea why Morris still has Caponi as our highly-paid DC. Does anyone have any clue? Bad Head Coaching to fail to realize our defense is trash.
  8. Are you drunk???
  9. Our trash defense being exposed by a bad offense. This is what worries me for the rest of the season.
  10. Trash defense once again
  11. No accountability. Wasted resources. Disgusting.
  12. I saw enough after two games last season. We didn't even fire the worst DC in the country after the season was over. Now we HIGHLY embarrass the University of North Texas with this pathetic display on national TV and I want no more excuses. Fire this coaching staff and get serious - stop wasting money and resources on people who are horrible at their jobs. Enough is enough.
  13. Awful
  14. Is it too early to voice our thoughts on this coaching staff as unacceptable? Is gomeangreen.com funded by the AD? ...what other reason is there for this site to delete all posts about firing Morris?
  15. Some moderator deleted my post...
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