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Glory to the Green

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Glory to the Green last won the day on November 20 2024

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  1. Do we know which coaches he’s taking with him? I’m assuming Forte and Herl….maybe even Shaw.
  2. I agree with @NorthTexasWeLove. We’ve had a niche and have been successful with it. We won’t be able to go toe to toe with Memphis in recruiting battles, so we need to be creative. I love the defense first mentality…I almost take pride in how we play. GMG!
  3. You’re good, man. I started at UNT in 2001. I think this will soon be forgotten about….it can’t happen again, though. I’m just glad we won. The backlash from a loss would have been miserable for Moseley and company.
  4. I think the egg on the face is warranted, but I don’t think it’ll have long term ramifications..unless it happens again.
  5. Jason Burton was a Mosely hire. So was Hodge. I’m wondering if Estelle was being groomed to eventually take over? He was a HC before. We’ll see.
  6. Great idea! Well attended and it should be a good game. GMG!
  7. I had to log into my account on a computer. I couldn’t find it on my phone.
  8. 798. It looks like priority points started being a thing in 2018.
  9. They marched at the St Paddy’s Day parade in Dublin a few years ago (2022, I think), so it’s possible for them to do it. Just need the right motivation.
  10. Morris made a really good hire by bringing him in. Hope he finds a dude that can keep this transfer class! College football is wild right now.
  11. If the right player and the fit is right, you take it.
  12. It’s been 40 years and we cant get 30,000 people to a football game on Saturday…or 5-10 thousand for a basketball game? I think the latest push of the maniacs is a good initiative that will pay off down the line.
  13. They’re not that dominant anymore. Since Jan 4, they’re only 54-54. Pedestrian conference.
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