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  1. Going for it on 4th down in our own territory is not helping the defense. Putting them in some no win situations several times when could punt and play field position. Not all points are on the defense in my opinion.
  2. He tore it in Navy game actually. He is a LB now. And he will be back next year for his medical redshirt.
  3. Good assessment in my opinion. Lol. If you get the chance to know Jace you will find it had nothing to do with confidence or arrogance. Feel free to talk to him anytime you see him around. It had a lot to do with staff/ politics. Enough about that. He hs been getting very good reviews from this staff and really feels they speak the truth and he can trust them. Fair competition is all you can ever ask for and he feels that is what we have now.
  4. Jace has two years of eligibility left fyi.
  5. I think you all should wait until coach announces a starter before you start crowning someone. Long time til August.
  6. if you only knew how things went down. Jace got to Denton in June. No contact with coaches cause they were recruiting. Coaches are on vacation in July. Still no contact with coaches. First contact with coaches fall camp. So you really don’t know shit.
  7. Jace wasn’t even here in spring of 2021. Didn’t even have a practice with the team til August 2021.
  8. LOL. Nope. Sorry to disappoint a lot of you. A lot have already written him off, but has been most consistent this spring so we will see what happens.
  9. Yup. Lol. Injury
  10. This may all be true, but SMU has a lot more money in their program than we do. We could have had a game changer WR transfer here from UNC, but guess where he ended up. $$$$. We have kids on this team on scholarship that are working part time jobs to pay rent.
  11. Why do you guys get on a “fan page” just to bash the team?
  12. Off this week.
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