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DentonStang last won the day on July 6 2023

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  1. @Cougar King how will the new football ops facility at UH compare?
  2. Not everyone can afford On3. I get it.
  3. I live in Denton. I like to keep tabs on the local team.
  4. This is a thread with "SMU" in the title and created by a UNT fan.
  5. Just seems like a push by assume radical to force them into being considered employees, because then it's a salary, not financial assistance. It'll get squashed after the election or all payments will just stay private
  6. I struggle to go to that game and I'm local
  7. @Coffee and TV what the heck? Cougar King is out for blood and trolling here but I'm not!
  8. Given Denton County's history of land rights shenanigans leading to armed rebellion, such as the Hedgcoxe War, I'm not sure any of us should have any kind of sovereign authority
  9. Here's another video with a tour by mega donor Armstrong https://youtu.be/euAOFJ2S8hA?si=XyjbbaRJOT2akbEu
  10. It's a palace. Mr. Weber is generous
  11. It's possible they may try to cut down to truly today's, but there are problems with this. Too many state flagships left out Too many teams who expect to win beating each other Lost of current P2s are dead weight, the greedy will want to push them out. That means major shuffling. If you cut out huge areas you hurt playoff viewership which will increasingly be a major part of funding. If SMU had no path to be in it, I'm nit watching it. There could be some major chaos and weird outcomes that don't look like today's P2.
  12. We knew it. That's why it was all hands on deck hailmary time. The P4 and media companies are coming to screw everyone else.....then they will attempt to screw each other. Every man for himself.
  13. 80/20 SMU/Duke
  14. Yes, are definitely not a top 4 team.
  15. Your new QB is solid. Start fund raising - he'll have tape now and could be a risk for the spring portal
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