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2020 Sucks

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  1. https://www.denverpost.com/2022/10/18/colorado-buffs-football-quarterback-brendon-lewis-to-transfer/amp/ Pretty sure this one has been offered.
  2. He is one hell of a coach and he would be great at UNT. Tyler has been down because of demographics. N. Tyler was essentially segregated from S, Tyler. Now N. Tyler is about 90% Hispanic and the athletes that ones were the JT studs have been dispersed through the Tyler, Whitehouse, Chapel Hill and Bullard area. I don’t blame Holmes for not winning with the talent he’s been losing via UHaul.
  3. You aren’t alone in that thought! 🤦🏻‍♂️
  4. Chuck Langston was a great OL coach…he didn’t have great results here, but he knows how to coach em up!
  5. Prediction…we win 71 to 62.
  6. There is now no limit other than the 85 total limit.
  7. It is sour grapes. He’s just not mature enough to handle this disappointing turn. When you are in the battle, it is hard to see the big picture. We are going into the American and everyone can see that with the exception of a few players, we are not on equivalent talent footing. Seth wasn’t fired nearly as much because his C’s and O’s were bad…he was fired because his kids didn’t develop, he wasn’t landing enough local kids, he struggled with PR, and he had a revolving door in the key positions in the coaches office. Sorry Ethan can’t see those key elements. At the end of the day, the talent didn’t execute, they got beat in all 3 phases, and they did t go 1-0 enough.
  8. Wish we’d have dumped Seth after the UAB game so this staff could have been a factor in the early signing period! Time to go get some HS and portal studs!
  9. I think he was just introverted and shy. The camera, the bright lights, and the microphone were not his friends. He was so different on Tuesdays at Rudy’s than he was on Saturday…win or lose. Glad he’s gone…wish him the best. I think he gave UNT all he had.
  10. The economy isn’t what it was in 2018…COVID took a toll on the budget here. A drop in HC salary with incentives for production is the right step for Jared. If we are going to run a capital campaign for $30M to build a new athletic center, something has to bend a little. We aren’t aTm or UT.
  11. I’m with you 100%, but let’s take it one step at a time! I’d be happy with “let’s beat SMU and win some non-conference games for now! We have to consistently win the AAC Texas state championship before we start thinking on a P5 level! Let’s take Cincinnati’s place…do what they’ve done for 8-10 years. Win and establish some recruiting dominance…then set our sights on OU!
  12. Have you ever torn an acl and fast tracked the rehab to try and compete at the pace that Grant runs defensively? Didn’t think so! Rubin was always going to be a slow takeoff! And I’m not sure what games you watch, but we probably have 7 wins instead of 10 without Scott’s production. When will you realize that we are never gonna have 4 guys in double figures on this team? Do you just hate to see your team win or what?
  13. What I’d say is that those systems aren’t designed to see things like a 37 point breakout by Abou. He’s had several games this season where the shots just didn’t fall, but he was still decent with 16-20 pts. If he plays like he did last night and finishes at the rim like we’ve all been wanting him to…we are probably 11-1 and in the top 20. I don’t expect him to do that the rest of the season, but I’d like to be able to come to expect 25 ppg on a regular basis. I think Germany is a decent center and Abou just took him to the woodshed. It will be fun to watch him go against Jimerson. Would love to see him gain a few pounds before that game!
  14. The schools cannot be connected to their NIL collectives and no way in hell they can funnel money from the athletic department into those. 🙄
  15. So you want him back for another year? Seriously…can you honestly say you’d be looking forward to watching him here another season?
  16. When JM asked Vito to give him a zinger…the shot across the bow was fired! Vito clearly misses his boy Seth!
  17. Why was Vito so abrasive today? If you didn’t watch, he said…”UNT has been going to bowl games…how do you think you can do any better?” Morris was pretty set back by the question…surprised that he’d get hammered by an attitude of mediocrity so soon!
  18. He’s going to the NFL! Didn’t you hear?
  19. No bueno…hope he finds out that there isn’t much out there! Would hate to see him drop down.
  20. This bowl loss was a complete indictment on Seth. As stated, the leading rusher, passer and receiver for BS came out of our recruiting area. A definite weakness of Seth’s. Additionally, Aunes INTs led to a FG and an easy TD. Aune gave up 10 points on essentially two throws in a game we lost by 3. And Stone ear threw one of the TDs. Seth sucked and it was never more obvious than last night as Morris showed personality with the fans, and as Seth’s lack of QB development was on full display. Mason Fine left and Seth never recovered…he stepped on his own wiener all the way out the door. Good Riddance!
  21. Those are definitely easy lines to read between! He is worried Grant is gonna kick his ass!
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