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Tom McKrackin

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Everything posted by Tom McKrackin

  1. The 2024 “winners” of the annual Shkreli awards, given each year to perpetrators of the most egregious examples of profiteering and dysfunction within the healthcare industry, have been released from the Lown Institute, an independent healthcare thinktank. The recipients are chosen by a panel made up of health policy experts, clinicians, journalists and advocates. The awards are named after Martin Shkreli, the infamous “pharma bro” who rose to international notoriety after increasing the price of lifesaving anti-parasitic drug Daraprim 50-fold. “All these stories paint a picture of a healthcare industry in desperate need of transformation. In 2024, healthcare practices were put in the spotlight,” Vikas Saini, president of the Lown Institute, said during the ceremony. “But doing these awards every year shows us that this is nothing new. We’re hoping that these stories illuminate what changes are needed.” The No 10 spot this year went to the University of North Texas health science center in Fort Worth for allegedly neglecting to notify next of kin before selling body parts of deceased people. An NBC News investigation uncovered that the school did not properly receive consent from the deceased or their family members before dissecting and distributing unclaimed bodies, despite the network finding that said family members were fairly easy to identify and contact. LINK: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/jan/07/annual-awards-healthcare-profiteering
  2. Finding Mestamayer may well be the icing on the cake. Morris is an outstanding coach and quite frankly what he inherited froM Littrell was not much.
  3. UNT crowd looks decent. I am here at the game. QB looks solid as well.
  4. Correct. How much NIL money did Eric Morris and his staff contribute to UNT’s NIL? I think we all know the answer to this don’t we?
  5. Tennessee plans to add a "talent fee" to the price of sports tickets. Arkansas says it will charge 3% more at the concessions stands. Clemson is going to start adding an athletic surcharge to tuition bills. ^^^ We actually could benefit from this as it could allow us to divert student fees and other revenue sources to paying players. This can’t happen soon enough.
  6. I would rather them be recruiting better talent than coaching for a meaningless bowl game.
  7. Jim Jimmerson maybe the best QB prospect out of high school we have had sonce Riley Dodge or Andrew Smith. His performance against a salty Westlake team was magnificent.
  8. I watched every defensive play and to say I am thrilled is an understatement. The only problem is they sometimes only have 3 down and in that regard they look like Craponi sets.
  9. I don’t think this will necessarily help jucos. There will always be a stigma with having attended a juco for most.
  10. Guys I apologize I poated this in another thread. I had missed this one. Moderators please remove mine. Thx
  11. From our brothers to the South
  12. Impressive win for Memphis. Wren should be ashamed of that turnout and the loss. He needs to consider weening himself off the Ozempic. He looks bad!
  13. So if you wife leaves you and goes out into the market you are saying you would be totally cool with her coming back with her tail between her legs? Come on man get outta here with that BS!
  14. I am good with this so long as you and others on here understand that if they can play they will be immediately gone. No more building for the future at our level. It is a team you build year to year. And if Morris has another mediocre season he needs to go!
  15. Spot on. And same thing was with Seth as well.
  16. SMU is here to stay this time.
  17. I am at the game. Pulling for Memphis. Wren looked rough!
  18. You guys do a fantastic job!
  19. Very excited about this kid!
  20. Wanted McIvor but it is what it is!
  21. I feel sort of like the girl who got pumped and dumped. Still waiting for my date to show but he’s an hour late sort of feeling.
  22. I hear you. That said, don’t expect they can realistically change the posters every day to reflect all the players coming and whoreing.
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