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Everything posted by AACP6

  1. Other than the fact he's still here what proof do you have he wasn't offered? Legitimate proof. Let's see it. Your own logic/opinion is not a fact. Give us the facts guy.
  2. More little brother stuff I see. UNT did not come up with cougar high. Stop trying to make fetch happen.
  3. Imagine spending an entire argument trying to devalue a player of another team instead of having a civil football conversation. Yea you have it all figured out. You didnt even know who Corbin was until the redshirt controversy yet you know exactly what went down. Lol they matter? We don't? Uh oh. Somebody is getting mad. The name calling is coming out. Somebody is big mad. Arkansas is so crappy they lost to UNT. Then UNT thought they'd beat us because they beat a P5. ๐Ÿ’€The only thing that matters in arkansas in the P5 tag and that can't even save them. Let that sink in. Down votes are welcomed. I enjoy most posters on this board but there are some little brother syndrome guys such as yourself. ๐Ÿ˜
  4. Delusion? No that's like thinking that our student athletes might want to finish their degree (like King did), and or stay at UH. It's like thinking that all P5 are equal and wouldn't take a P5 quality prospect from UH. It's like thinking that all G5 are equal like UNT conference USA being on the equal footing as UH and the AAC. We're not on UCFs level right now, and yall aren't on our level. Just like Vandy and Arkansas aren't on LSU's level but there's NOOOOO way Corbin could have been offered by those crappy P5s and said no. Dude you're lost. This isnt the early 2000s man. Miami is not THAT program at the moment. They're right there with Kentucky and Iowa State as far as success.
  5. Delusion? No that's like thinking that our student athletes might want to finish their degree (like King did), and or stay at UH. It's like thinking that all P5 are equal and wouldn't take a P5 quality prospect from UH. It's like thinking that all G5 are equal like UNT conference USA being on the equal footing as UH and the AAC. We're not on UCFs level right now, and yall aren't on our level. Just like Vandy and Arkansas aren't on LSU's level but there's NOOOOO way Corbin could have been offered by those crappy P5s and said no. Dude you're lost.
  6. Scarcity? 16 OL on the roster scarce? Or are we talking lack of quality vs number of JAGS. If we are using the "time spent in college=good quality prospect " then that same logic can be applied to Corbin. Or does that only apply to offensive linemen? Corbin played in every offense under the sun. From a Power Spread to the Bear Raid. He know's more terminology than the average WR and has a complete route tree. He could supplant most WR who are struggling to pick of an offense at a P5. I was arguing Williams was underecruited and coached up. How Corbin was rated out of high school doesn't take away from my arguement in any way. It doesn't lessen his value IOW. Skill positions are out there but that doesn't definitively say that Corbin wasn't offered or valuable. That's where you keep getting hung up. Skill players can move up or down a level and the fact that spots remain will never change. Your biggest mistake is lumping P5 together and placing them on the same level as each other. Corbin would start at Baylor et al. But they and Miami are not contenders or even P5 CFP contenders. Heck we've had some P5 skill players not make the roster. The argument that P5s were not interested in Corbin is a total wash. Miami is a piss poor P5 and any player can fill roles when they transfer if the interest is there.
  7. Said everyone outside of denton. You want a rival soooooo bad. Lol
  8. I believe you but some guys need to stop. I've seen some real ignorance on this board. That's including the rationale on another post suggesting UNT having the same talent as SMU.
  9. Dude Jarrid Williams was a 2 star with no other offers from any school except UH. P5 came sniffing around because they saw film on him after coach Jones got hands on him. Just like the rest of our OL. It had nothing to do with vacancy or difficulty with filling needs. The kid was underrated and under-recruited. And whether your logic checks out or not does not change the fact that Corbin had offers and wanted to stay for various reasons. For the most part athletes to want to stay at UH. I think you're projecting a bit since Jalen Guyton darted on you guys. You think a guy with no offers to a P5 can raise curiosity but a guy who had P5 offers out of high school didn't? Your own logic is imploding on you. And the sarcastic drivel at the end is silly. Most of it is debatable. Miami or any undisclosed P5 is automatically assumed "big time " or has a chance at a CFP spot? Outside of the top 10 it becomes nearly impossible. Some kids understand their best bet is to finish were they started, and can still make millions. Don't be a P5 elitist. You can play anywhere and get drafted. Even at UNT.
  10. The question is not if y'all know. The question is when did y'all know King was a monster? My statement still stands. Corbin had P5 offers from Nebraska, Tech, and TCU coming out of high school. Not King's offer level but definitely no slouch. And again, he had offers to transfer when he redshirted. Jarrid Williams who starts at Miami only had one offer out of high school and it was to UH. If he can get an offer and start do you not think Corbin got offers? Corbin is a real difference maker if you've followed UH football since he's been there. Hoping for a good game but mostly hoping Corbin puts up more total yards than King does in his game. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Good luck.
  11. If you don't know who Sam Khan is then you clearly don't keep up with UH which is ok but don't pretend to be knowledgeable. I do think King's dad made it clear of his decision, but some of y'all didn't know who King was until the redshirt controversy. I'm not sure why y'all pretend to know our roster when yall don't. Corbin from an output stand point can't be better than King because he's a WR. He is however just as good at his position as King is at his. He's our true number 2 WR and you fellas are very fortunate he didn't play last year in Denton. As far as no one wanting him that's false. He had offers and so did Jarrid Williams who transferred with King and starts offensive line for Miami. Corbin decided to stay because his best friend and roommate Marquez Stevenson decided to stay.
  12. This was funny. Lol I can't even lie.
  13. Very original ๐Ÿ‘
  14. You're right it was just the perfect time for you to say something unrelated. I guess that's better but not by much.
  15. Nice lol
  16. Not sure but we had a couple of annoying unt fans on our boards before the game last year. Spamming the same thing over and over. Clown us all you want just please leave CBY out of it. He saw the value in everything. Even the city denton folk don't like.
  17. Didn't want to start anything. Just thought it was distasteful to take a dig at a man who recently passed that loved his city, given the original topic. But then again I'm just a visitor. These are your boards. Stay classy.
  18. Denton has arts,jazz,hippies and Doctor Phil. That's about it. Oh wait..even Dr. Phil left Denton. What about Norah Jones? Surely she still lives there, she's a musician! Oh no? She left too?๐Ÿ’€
  19. Surely the people of Denton know that a pissing contest against the city of Houston would not end well. Surely this is common knowledge, right?
  20. I don't care for the others but I hope Baylor gets booted to the Sun Belt.
  21. If the big 12 dissolves they will be the ones getting cherry picked. It's hard to call yourself a P5 conference if both OU and Horn leave the conference.
  22. A bit biased in your response. If you'd lived in the city for that long you'd know about C.T. Bauer. I think its ranked 65 among public universities. Maybe premier was a stretch but that wasn't my intention. Bauer is a good school and Cullen College of Engineering is breaking the top 50 soon. These are the programs the school is known for. But if you ask anyone about unt and they'll tell you they immediately think of fine arts. That's what i ment by premier program. Not anything to do with rankings. Not dig taken. C.T. Bauer is the premier program IMO. Not saying it's the best in the country just stating that's what we're known for. We also have a medical school coming. https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/university-of-houston-3652 And I hope UH draws from Houston. Lol that would be embarrassing if we couldn't. I think most stay because of the 20 Fortune 500 companies in the area and of course we're a wide spread city with more job opportunities than you could ever apply for. We can debate about the p6 thing all day. I don't think we are but half of the conference is legit. Much like the big 12 , pac 12, or ACC. You take away 3 teams from either of those conferences and you get some really terrible football.
  23. No one in Houston cares about DFW like that man. Are you being serious right now? The best thing to come out of DFW is vanilla ice and it's been a minute. No one is worried about Horn, LSU or A&M. They're big brands I'll admit , but its Houston; I'd expect people to move to the business capital of texas after they graduate. I landed on this board by searching "Boise State to the AAC" on Google. And after hours(hyperbole)down the rabbit hole I found this little gem. I didnt come over to measure penises but some of you can't help but start crap and deserve the retaliation. I mean seriously, you call out houston fans for animosity and the first thing you do is go wild on a person who doesn't share all of your views on the AAC. For the Eagles without this false sense of persecution and unwarranted hostility, you're always welcome on our boards. The Holgerson and King thing is in the past for me. Sucks it didn't work out, but I'm truly unbothered by it. Some Coogs are still stuck on it but I've moved on. Plenty of talent on the roster to have a good season. At least better than the 4-8 record last year. ๐Ÿ˜‚ *exhale*
  24. Being a school with a program and being a school known for something or a premier program at that particular school are two different things.
  25. Thanks for being civil. I just wanted to join some more expansion talk and people started throwing fecal matter everywhere. ๐Ÿ˜‚ I will say when I visited Apogee last year most unt fans were pleasant. I'm smart enough to know this board doesn't reflect the entire population of unt supporters. Hope y'all win every game except the one in The Cage.
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