I believe the answer to fixing the bowls and FBS playoff is so simple that only greed is stopping the powers that be from fixing it. The issue with the end of the season is that we really have no idea how conferences stack up versus one another because most team haven't played a non-conference FBS opponent in 6 weeks or more. But here is how you fix it without unfairly stacking the playoff with teams from the same conference. So now the New Year's 6 Bowls have a deal and let work within this frame work. Four playoff teams will be chosen from bowl winners.
Summary: Every P5 Champion gets their choice of Bowl and Top Champion G5 get last choice. Top four team after bowl games to a playoff
Pac 12 Champ vs Big 10 Runner up OR
Big 10 Champ vs Pac 12 Runner up
Fiesta Bowl
Top G5 Champion vs at large top 12
Cotton Bowl
Big 12 Champion vs At Large top 12
Sugar Bowl
SEC Champion vs At Large top 12
Orange Bowl
ACC Champion vs At Large top 12
Peach Bowl
(Big 10 Champ or Pac 12 Champ) vs At Large top 12
For example this year we would have 6 very interesting bowls
2019 Season Bowls:
Rose: 2 Ohio State vs 11 Utah
Fiesta: 17 Memphis vs 5 Georgia
Cotton: 4 Oklahoma vs 10 Penn State
Sugar: 1 LSU vs 7 Baylor
Orange: 3 Clemson vs 8 Wisconsin
Peach: 6 Oregon vs 9 Florida
We get 6 meaningful games and an potentially undefeated G5 team takes on a P5 runner up in this system. If the top 4 teams take care of business in bowl games they are favored in they go to the playoff. And if any of them go down it creates a ton of interest and another week of great debates making a cause of why your bowl champion team deserves into the playoff. I would much prefer this than a straight 8 team playoff.