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About SMUleopold

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    Ft. Bragg, NC
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    SMU football, cocktails

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  1. Cincy is top 25 especially if they get the QB situation figured out. They play that game later on in the season and there may have been a different result.
  2. Forget the fact that the top three programs are being skimmed off the top, the remaining programs are perennial underachievers who only recently - in the past decade - got decent, and it hurts me to say this but I include SMU in that. There's nothing Memphis has the UNT doesn't. Add the other new AAC teams who UNT has regularly competed against and everyone is basically starting off - at least in big picture metrics - on the same page. The on-the-field product will follow, for good or for bad.
  3. If it makes you feel any better we lost a FR AA in UBIV to Ole Miss, and he carried twice in his first game with them. Might end up being nothing but a backup. Double edged sword and all that. Good luck the rest of the way.
  4. Could have been worse. Could've planted a flag in the middle of your field. Of course if that happened, I'd be worried we lose our HC to you after the season....
  5. About half the starters last year were transfers - the QB, TE, couple of WR's, couple of OL, and the same goes for D. Sonny at least helped created the transfer model, if not outright did it himself, and I don't see any reason to stop. I'm not saying I like the New World, but it is what it is, and it would be stupid to not go with what works and is legal now.
  6. Huh. SMU has a hockey team. Cool. Good lookin' uniforms ya'll got there.
  7. It's more expensive than you think.
  8. You're certainly right. We're no longer in the forties. We're in the twenties and climbing.
  9. Both the number of schools and the specific schools applying scream of ESPN's influence: six new schools, not two or four and all are in major media markets and not in a Boone, Ruston, or Hattiesburg. As such there is a real belief that when it all shakes out the current TV package will stay at $12M/school. If that's the case then the six new schools will effectively have done their jobs.
  10. Yes. Muffy, Bunny and Daddy Moneybags are beside themselves. Daddy had to have three martinis last night. But seriously - few if anybody care. It's SMU: money talks and the rest walks. Just keep the TV money coming in and we'll all hold our noses up in the air when you show up at Ford. Outside of that, congrats if it turns out to be true.
  11. Give them a call. I have a feeling their upcoming non-conference schedules will have an opening soon....
  12. Texas State brought in all transfers last recruiting cycle - not a single HS kid, right? How's that working out for them?
  13. 1. No MWC team is going to look to join now anymore than, say, Colorado is interested in joining the Big XII after UT and OU left (not to say that the Buffs did in the first place). You can't take the top programs from a conference and demand the same interest for inclusion. 2. Rice won't be at the top of anybody's list until they choose to actually compete. Let us know when that happens. 3. Aresco has been smart enough to stay away from any stupid hybrid conference, basketball only additions outside of the one common-sense addition of WSU thus far - here's hoping that continues. 4. UTSA has a hot hand now but not sure about long-term stability. We'll see. 5. We'd be smart to find large geographically proximate state schools with the long term potential to win in Football, ie. Louisiana, App State, FIU/FAU, etc. - the same thing we're losing. 6. As with everything I'm sure ESPN will drive the bus, for good or for ill.
  14. Runs out in '25. Most likely they just haven't gotten around to it, there's definitely room on our schedule in the upcoming years. Needs to be played for both schools, hope they're smart enough to make it work.
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