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  1. I know everyone does harp on him for the on-court stuff, but all jokes aside he is a crucial part of this team in every aspect. I'd bet he's willing to sacrifice his life for UNT basketball
  2. Those game notes have been a game behind with TV/Broadcasters etc for a while now, but that doesn't fall on Jared at all. That falls on the SID or whoever helps them in writing the game notes and press releases.
  3. They do orientation events inside the Super Pit and promote basketball and the Maniacs, but once again, there is an extreme lack of interest.
  4. Wait who said any of that? I sure didn't. They promoted the SMU game for weeks and got 2,000+ students to show up because it's a big game. Everyone knows who smu is. Many people on here are oblivious to the realization that people will only show up for big games, no matter how good the team is. Always been like that and almost always will be.
  5. Many do not care. I have tried to pull people from my classes to games, but they're either disinterested or have other things to do. You can't force people to come to games, and unfortunately, there isn't much of an appeal for many students. I honestly do not know what you can do to get more interested by coming to games. Doesn't help that game times are awful in the AAC. I will keep saying this until I'm blue in the face, UNT is a commuter school where people come here to study, go to class, graduate and move on. People don't come to UNT for the sports, especially basketball.
  6. Oh I agree with you on that, it's frustrating to see previous guys like Christain Moore and Chris Morgan to name a few, that don't work out at all. It's hard to keep trusting that process, and makes you think maybe they are misevaluated, but I just don't think putting them in during crucial regular season games in significant minutes does much.
  7. I’ve been saying burn everything to the ground for a while, so I agree. What would you do to get fans to the Pit, is a better question. You have the success, you have the current success from the current team, you have students and fans in the area. Tell me what you would do that would change this trend and not make it to where everyone should accept we will never have good fans? A new arena? Well we don’t have money to do that, we can’t even start on the athletic complex. Pay students with cash to come to games? Give away Mercedes’ and Tesla’s as promotions? Free tuition for 100 students? Hold people at gunpoint? Haha I just don’t possibly know what could change it, which is why I say nothing will move the needle and people need to accept it. EDIT: I say this in a very non threatening way lol, just posing a question.
  8. Well if the guys on the bench were actually ready enough to play those minutes in droughts, they’d be playing. None of them are talented enough to be playing significant minutes, YET. I think some of these guys will get more of a chance next year, like Smith, but even if the regular season doesn’t matter as much, why try and make the deficit worse by putting in those bench guys? By saying that, you want Matthew Stone and Alex Cotton in the game instead of a guy like Floyd or Jossell or Massie? Absolutely not, no matter how much I complain about the 8 guys, I’d rather see a drought with the 8 guys.
  9. Vice is probably the farthest from touching the court in any meaningful minutes. There is a reason why Hodge was hired as a head coach, and none of us are on the floor coaching. Why put totally inexperienced guys on the court in meaningful minutes unless there is a brutal string of injuries? It doesn't make sense, there's a reason why the guys who are playing in crunch time and throughout the game are there because they have the higher level of experience and we need to be winning, not playing around with freshmen. We don't blow teams out either... Some awful takes, once again.
  10. The key word is "Went". Demographics and interests have changed drastically over the last 5 years, especially from COVID. People don't really care, have jobs or don't even live in Denton. And yes, he does. I put the "" because obviously it's for students and they aren't going to be doing this job forever nor under salary by UNT athletics, it's a minimum wage job, but obviously there have been improvements along with the team winning.
  11. I am flat-out stunned by how many overreactions and repeated takes are being said on here. Accept reality. Which is that there will never be consistent student attendance or just regular fan attendance. Y'all act like this is not an issue at about every mid major, and some power conference, schools. FAU made a final four run, yet they had empty seats for several games in 23-24 season, and their arena capacity is 3,100!!!! UNT has turned more and more into a commuter school, where students come here to get a degree and get to work, and the other portion of students who live on campus aren't always basketball fans. Remember, we are in the state of TEXAS, where football is king. Football attendance is obviously a very different animal here, but there is not a draw that the diehards like many of us on here see, even if there is a lot of winning. Ask 20 random students why they came to this school, maybe 1 of the 20 will even mention wanting to watch our basketball team. You can have all of the success possible; UNT could even make a final four run, yet everyone would be circling back to this topic by February. Greeks also don't care much about basketball, and it's not even a priority. Last year I saw a Greek tailgate outside the Pit, being heavily patroled by officers and we also lost that game (either UTSA or USF, I forget). They aren't going to want to come back, especially if you don't win that game. Not to mention some getting kicked out for signs and cussing, which is just their own fault. You can complain about marketing and promotions all you want, nothing will truly move the needle.
  12. It's almost not even a take at this point; it's the facts. Do you think I like it? Absolutely not. I am always pushing for people to come to games and encouraging other students to come to games. You just have to lower your expectations because you can give away only so much and win so much; it's literally the mindset. The Maniacs leader, Jake, does a great job at attempting to reel students in, and it's honestly a grueling "job". Step foot on campus and try to talk to students about coming to games and why. Beware, you won't have very many positive reactions...
  13. Been to Rice, UTSA, Memphis, Tulsa, hoping one day to get a good weekend for UAB among a few others, just very hard to do any trips during the week.
  14. You can't POSSIBLY expect a huge student turnout after the diasterclass that was put on against UTSA, biggest saturday student turnout in at least 2 years and they see a flop of a performance. Who cares about past success, you have to lower the expectations.
  15. This made me laugh, good stuff lol
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