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About Manlaw35

  • Birthday 11/27/1977

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    Louisiana Tech

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  1. Louisiana Tech raised $2,440,116 on Giving Day 2023. https://www.louisianatechgivingday.org/ UTSA raised $608,670 on Giving Day 2023. https://givingday.utsa.edu/ UNT raised $429,017 on Giving Day 2023. https://givingday.unt.edu/giving-day/66922
  2. It had everything to do with media markets. That's why UNT, RICE, UTSA, CHARLOTTE and FAU were selected. Louisiana Tech just raised $1.8 million for athletics on Giving Day. The total raised was $2.43 million. Meanwhile, UNT raised $429,017 with $14,209.54 going to athletics. https://givingday.unt.edu/giving-day/66922 https://www.latech.edu/2023/04/27/tech-family-gives-over-2-million-on-record-breaking-giving-day/ https://latechsports.com/news/2023/5/4/general-giving-day-results-in-record-setting-donations-for-la-tech-athletics.aspx
  3. Another way to look at; you should've never had an 18-point lead against Tech. What you did against Middle has no bearing on Louisiana Tech. You think Tech was going to give up? Good game regardless. Hopefully the one in Ruston will be a barnburner too.
  4. The 9.5 spread was way too generous for Tech and UNT.
  5. Why do you think UNT should have blasted Tech? Every game we play is close. Good game, hopefully we'll even the score in Ruston. It's funny to me that people thought Tech would fall off a cliff after losing Lofton to the NBA. We still have plenty of talented players. Also, this league is wide open. There are probably 6 or 7 teams that can win CUSA.
  6. He won the Liberty Bowl for West Virginia last year against Army. Came in with 6:50 left in the 3rd quarter down 21-10. West Virginia won the bowl game 24-21. NCAAF AutoZone Liberty Bowl - West Virginia Mountaineers vs Army Black Knights
  7. Why not move the games to Sunday and Monday?
  8. Good game UNT. Looks like two evenly matched teams just like last year. Now we need to sweep UAB at home next week.
  9. Williams and Crawford are from the DFW area and Lofton is from Port Arthur, TX. So many good basketball players in Texas.
  10. Great game UNT! I would bet the best game of college basketball tonight. What a slug fest. Tough turn around tomorrow. Our young guys Cobe Williams, Kenneth Lofton and Isiah Crawford are so good.
  11. Which one of you UNT fans bought a Dodge truck last weekend? Nice choker. 🤣 Looking forward to our games this weekend. Hopefully we can get at least a split in Denton.
  12. No better time to start then in a bowl game. Besides Tech winning nothing would make me happier this bowl season then seeing UNT beat App. St. Their fans on the CUSA board are insufferable.
  13. UNT 35 Appy St. 20 App. St. is nothing to fear this year. Play disciplined and don't commit stupid penalties and you have a good chance to win. They're going to try and bait you. Don't take the bait and play disciplined.
  14. Buck up UNT fans. Listen to some ol' country to make you feel better. Louisiana Saturday Night
  15. No not trying to be hurtful. Glad we're in a conference together. I was worried about the game tonight considering how long it's been since we last played. Glad to get the win and love playing in the metroplex! Glad to have a game against TCU next week and hopefully we'll get the win!
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