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Green Gas

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Everything posted by Green Gas

  1. I am not sure I have ever called the Pit the Coliseum, but I have been to enough football games to know what the UNT AD calls their tailgating festival on the practice field next to Fouts, and I was not complaining, I was just wondering about the exes' location, there is a difference. You went out you way to correct me, so you should take a little of what you dish out, but hey it is not a war and if it is I want a truce.
  2. Wow I did not realize there are 46 freshman.
  3. You are kidding right? You do realize they call the old practice field next to Fouts and area around it (Mean Green Village) ? Click here, look at page 7 under parking and seats
  4. I have seen mm first hand be rude and extremely unprofessional in public to fans for utterly no reason, a little different then a communication issue. If she had her fit with me I may not be going to the games anymore I just don't need her kind of BS in my life. So bad communications on practices is one thing, now if you get to practice and some goes ape shit of your ass about about how you can't be there and degrades you, that is quite another story.
  5. Hey I am not starting threads that read "Is Dodge doing more damage then good because of closed practices" (A), and (B.) everyone on this board knows after last year what a flaky thing this communication issue has been. I think if you going to bitch, bitch about issues that are more troubling, like lack of information on the stadium, where the hell have the quarterly meetings gone, the dropping the ball on the APR score, the asinine way the festival parking was handled in the blue lot last year or this person that can't be named with her initials being MM. Hell I miss the tortillas, but I am not bitching about it. Are you really telling what to read?
  6. I did not say it was a big deal, and I just pointing out a head of time that AD Has developed the whole "Mean Green Village" for events like this. But to indicate it is such a big deal it may hurt the fans is a very different story. The bitch fest going on and on about practices like it the pivoting point of our football program is a bit much. So please don't throw in the making a big deal out of it pile because I don't care where the Exes have their BBQ. I enjoy tailgating so I will most likely not hike to the pit to see what is going on or maybe I will.
  7. Is the Coliseum the same as the Super-Pit? And why not on the practice fields (aka Mean Green Village) for a more central location? I am not sure why we would want to spread out the crowd.
  8. What a sad and bias article, full of untruths and half truths. Most, if not all modern cars, 20 years old or newer have on-board computers that self correct and keep the car at or near optimal conditions. Most cars now a days you can't tune, spark plugs are good from 30,000-60,000 miles now. Air cleaners are the biggest item you can work on but even then if you air filter is not just completely clogged the computer will adjust the mass air system. New tires are much better in the last twenty years, they have become more puncture resistant, and self-sealing. They also seal better to the rims so tires maintain their air pressure much longer then ever before. The plan that Obama talks about is silly because it is 30-40 years old developed in the day of carburetors and no on board computers during the Suadi imbargo and is not relevant to modern cars. Next time you talk to a good modern car mechanic just ask.
  9. Also keep in mind its not a big deal until we make it a big deal, it is just practice. Well this board has always loved whining, now we have practice whining or "whining practice". Good God seems like some of you guys could find better things to ruffle your feathers. Maybe you should be more concerned with the person unnamed but may have the initials MM, I believe she has caused real damage to the program in regards to fans.
  10. What a silly thread, like an inconvenience such as a closed practice would push away a fan die hard enough to want to go watch practice. Oxymoron comes to mind.
  11. That should not stop you, buy a pair of season tickets and try to make one game, season tickets count toward attendance and help the program. IF you can't make any or only one, give away the tickets you will not use to someone in the area. I am sure we GMG could help you get the tickets in the hands of someone area who would like to attend, if you have any problems.
  12. Can't we just tell bud man to move I want to be closer to the alumni side.
  13. Have several sizes with the most prominent called something like Cornerstone donors.
  14. I meant the way "us posters" can derail a topic, and the KAOS (chaos) that usually follows. I missed it by that much.
  15. Holly Cow thats a cute Kiddo, Emmitt I am glad to see she gets her looks from her mother!
  16. I would not think so, then you would just have the Forum on the first page. But that is up to Harry.
  17. I liked Caesar, I also liked the the old riddler and the penguin best, not to mention Cat woman, wow, she was hot in her day.
  18. Yes beer would be nice!!!
  19. Thats why they get paid the big bucks!! Why let facts get in the way of a story? Its easier not to know what you are talking about.
  20. Awe the Diablo Series! The Granddaddy of all RPGs, the slash and hack software from hell. The Best thing ever to quickly work off stress.
  21. Could you possibly be slanted? All Suddam had to do was let the UN inspectors in, and the US wanted payback don't put this all on Bush. The House and Senate Intelligence Committees voted unanimously for the war and they don't get briefed by the White House. So as you sound like you believe the absolute bile the Democratic party spins, I guess Bush is that silver tongued devil the Democrats tell us about how he lied, and conned the hell out of the poor old gullible Democratic Party into voting for a war. Right Dems do the same as always, win opinion changes and it does because as a country we don't have the stomach for war, they changed sides slicker then goose shit. Then the spin went out of control. I realize you seem to have an education agenda, but damn, you might want to look at the facts a little closer. We have not had another attack in the US, I don't think we have had any other attacks outside these military zones. Put hey why should you look for any good in it. You are clearly voting democrat no matter how bad the candidate is, come hell or high water. You might like to think you would not but you will talk yourself into it. The dems make new expensive social programs and raise taxes the community develops more dead beats, the Republicans lower taxes and promote business.
  22. All the articles are complete conjecture, Riley needs to put on weight and heal up. Gio will be fine and you can count on it. The media loves a controversy and you should know that. Riley will sit and help coach the system, unless there are massive injuries. It is just common sense.
  23. Now I have my appetite back, Hummm "period" soaked maxi pad!!!!
  24. Riley will redshirt there is no doubt about it, unless we are stricken with injuries at QB.
  25. You guys can Kiss Vito Ass all you like, but don't piss down my back and tell me it raining. Brett was being negative and dramatic period with this dwindling blog entry. It was written June 12th and he his tilling us our options are dwindling already. Bull Shit!@!#@@!! There is alot of recruiting to do still this year and plenty of other defensive backs out there, good god people, pull your noses our of his butt.
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