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Green Gas

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Green Gas last won the day on December 27 2010

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About Green Gas

  • Birthday 10/20/1970

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    The swamp
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    Waking Up Gassy In The Spring Waking up with gas is a wonderful blast Oh to grease one out of food from my past Such an aroma blown in the spring Reminds me that life is a beautiful thing. Its the odors of spring both pleasant and foul, warms my heart that a renewed season is here now.

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  1. We move the game to get more in and all it will do is kill attendance, why does anyone think it will increase attendance by moving the game up? Here is a big clue for all those that forgot. Why did we move as many games to 6:00pm as we could? Anyone Anyone? Bueller? Because the earlier the game the worse our attendance was. This not going to change so we give up 4000 to pick up 500 real good choice AD! And all the fans on this board that can suddenly make this game because it was moved up are as full of crap as they can be. Those that find it convenient by a move up would likely be just as happy if all games were moved up. All this will do for me is shorten the time I spend with old friends I only get to see at Homecoming. So in the end I see no benefit in this move expect the now extra drop in attendance, which has been proven in the past. The Ranger's game impact will be the same 4 or 6 or 2 that is the really dumbass part of this joke. RV you screwed up! But hey its not the first time Huh?
  2. I read through several of these grudges and agendas and tit for tats, and for the life of me I don't understand for an instant how moving the game forward can do any thing but hurt attendance. Those that go, GO! That means most everyone on here. But those it screws up are very real. No ordinary fan who had planned to skip homecoming and watch the Rangers is going to change their mind. They didn't go, "but wait I could have had a V-8? No No I meant to say a UNT game experience where I can fight to leave early to go watch the Rangers with my buds." Oh hell yes they are going to be lining up now!! It seem this just screws up all those that had earlier commitments and wanted some of the Homecoming festivities. I am going with this as the Big Pooch Screw! But even at that all you did was irritate several folks. Better to have left it alone. Those that are forced late or tight have a better reason to skip, not even considering those that won't check game time the rest of the week.
  3. You are not exactly an Albert Einstein are ya? The Horns make their money from season ticket holders, TV contracts, conference splits and the much of their big money comes from Donors.
  4. Really ever? I suppose you are the resident Vince Lombardi? I can't wait for your next submission of vast football knowledge.
  5. Are you kidding me? Really? Riley was a team leader and a talented very fast player that knew Coach Chico's offense. You better believe these coaches wanted him, just not as a starting QB.
  6. Thank you, God! RD was tough and a kid that played with heart, but no matter how you church it up he still quit the team. A team that needed him! If his reasons for quitting are OK with you great, but he still quit. The thread is hilarious as those posters tease RD's White Knights and play off old threads with inside jokes on those that take a Fan board a little too serious. Plus 1s across the board guys! Thank you for the entertainment.
  7. That is simply not even close to true! And that is with reported stats, many of the countries to the south of the border do not keep reliable stats so not to look bad. Many times people get murdered but don't get found so it does not count. Many of these countries don't have the most creditable police forces. But even with numbers reported your stat is wrong unless you are skipping past per capita. And you are buying these Counties numbers. http://www.mapsofworld.com/world-top-ten/countries-with-highest-murder-rates.html http://www.data360.org/graph_group.aspx?Graph_Group_Id=441 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate http://www.photius.com/rankings/murder_rate_of_countries_2000-2004.html From the last link:
  8. Isn't half the belt D1-AA move ups? Troy, FIU, FAU, and WKY? We do not need to slap new paint on this pig we need a new conference. Even if these teams do better as a whole or a couple teams do really great no one in this part of the world is going to care outside a few die hards.
  9. The student body is in the top 20 largest in FBS, and with a concentrated Alumni base of 120K in DFW and this is the right number give or take a few thousand. The wake up will be us playing and beating recognizable team names, not the crappy belt. So silver I guess you can be sick, but I see the potential and I think others do as well.
  10. Actually 37K enrolled and more like 120k alumni in DFW, which is huge. All we have to do is start beating some of the auto bid teams and get the hell out of the sorry ass belt.
  11. Well lets wake the b!tch up. The alarm clock is set and 2011 is the year. I expect her to be deep sleeper and it may take a few years to really get past the snooze control. But it is going to happen.
  12. Sure Dan quit too, and to move up to Head Coach. To us we are not on the quit side so what I am very happy Dan Mac is now our fearless leader. I never said it was good or bad. In my opinion extremely good for us, and Florida can suck it. Riley quit and is under penalty of dropping a year of eligibility to transfer to a another FBS team at the very least I had a thought that included FCS as well. I am not slamming him I liked him, wished he would stay. I sure as hell would rather my diploma say The University of North Texas than McNeese State. In my opinion this is bad for us, we are a better team with Riley than without so this quit sucks for us.
  13. Fact of the story is he quit! Like it or not, reasonable or not. Riley is 22 year old man and did not have to leave because of his father. Also won't Riley have only a year of eligibility left at McNeese State? He still has to sit out a year doesn't he? I thought you had to Division 2 or lower not to lose a year. So his sit out year would be year 4 with one left. I would much rather have my degree from UNT, so I don't get it.
  14. I thought it was just that we are North Texas
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