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  1. The spread for LSU was -2.5
  2. *turns game off, throws laptop out of window*
  3. I just turned the game back on after nearly throwing my laptop through a wall....if we start sucking again I'm turning the game off because at that point clearly I'm the problem
  4. As someone who was in Greek life at the time, I can confirm this was still the case in ~2017 when the AD proposed upping the student athletic fee. The increase, if I recall, resulted in about $2.5m+ annually in additional revenue. The university student president was a Chi Omega and she campaigned fiercely for the students to vote in favor of the increase. Only about 9% of students voted, and out of that group I believe over half were in Greek Life. It was their turnout and support that got the proposal passed despite several pockets of resistance from other groups on campus who didn't see the benefit in supporting the AD. The Greeks are still our biggest on campus supporters (aside for the Maniacs - although I would be willing to bet most members, if not all, are in fraternities/sororities).
  5. I’m not watching the game - is Perry hurt?
  6. It’s not nit picky, it drives me crazy too. Such a simple and minimal expectation that our broadcast team can’t meet. There’s constant audio issues, wrong camera angles, even the commercials are having problems.
  7. This broadcast is hard to watch....like it's being run by a bunch of interns who woke up today hungover and forgot they had a game to cover.
  8. Seth needs 9 wins and/or bring home some hardware or 👞
  9. After doing some research, this is what I got: Coach Mac: $600k base, $800k total with incentives UAB Andy Kennedy: $725k base (contract renewed last year), LA Tech Eric Konkol: $400k base MTSU Nick McDevitt: $575k base, $750k total with incentives WKU Rick Stansbury: $720k base (was $800k before Covid cuts) Coach Mac is near the top of the conference as far as base and incentives. I think bumping him up to about $800k base to keep him at the very top of our conference would suffice, and with incentives would give him a million dollar annual contract IMHO
  10. Our group bought about 15 more in section 102, making the Miami side Green one row at at time
  11. Perry is still not 100%. He is surely missed...
  12. Torrey is a FULL GROWN MAN
  13. If we win he deserves to stay another season but for my hearts sake please not another extension...
  14. Holy christ. Ruder needs to go
  15. Ruder took a shotgun to our foot and blew it off
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