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HoustonEagle last won the day on July 11 2018

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About HoustonEagle

  • Birthday 07/14/1974

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    Houston, Texas
  • Interests
    Mean Green Football and Masochism

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  1. This feels exactly like it did when McCasland went to Tech. Back then I had a bit of hope in my heart that Grant would stay because of family and Lubbock sucks. Alas I was wrong. These coaches want to make as much money as they can and win at the highest level. I can't blame them. I just wish I felt better about Mosely finding Hodge's replacement.
  2. Harrison.Keller@unt.edu Please send Dr Keller your thoughts about the scheduling conflict. He needs to hear from those of us that actually care about UNT athletics. I promise you the emails are read and it's time better spent than complaining on GMG. (Do both!)
  3. Not painting the end zones for this bowl feels a bit bush league to me. On positive side. I’m very impressed with this freshman QB. Has never even been a varsity starter in HS! Amazing
  4. To your point, I highly doubt he earned a degree in one year. That said, IF academics is important to him then he should be happy to be enrolled and able to finish out a degree no matter how much longer it takes him. It's a good place to finish and have that name on your diploma.
  5. I call BS on anyone here that would not have accepted a 200-300k to go finish your football career and get a degree from Cal Berkeley instead of UNT. He was not ever going pro but that money and degree will potentially put him on a better path. disclosure: I have no idea what he was paid but I think that would be a reasonable sum in the current market for a G5 to P4 QB.
  6. 6-6 record. 1 FCS victory, no marquee win or wins against winning FBS teams. Soon to be announced bowl no one cares about. Unless they find the big money things will never change. After 30 years of being a fan I doubt they will find the money. Hope they prove me wrong.
  7. It’s worth mention we have not beat a FBS team that has a winning record.
  8. I won't push back on you at all! It is a losers mindset. I so desperately want to be proven wrong and perhaps you and others like you will be the ones that unlock all of the potential that UNT displays. As a person that has looked behind the curtain I will say it's a much steeper uphill climb than you imagine. The biggest of all the problems is money. The programs you mentioned have a ton of it and as to now, we don't. TCU spent an absolute fortune and combined with good timing or luck, was in a perfect position to fill an open spot in the Big 12. SMU is doing the same. Houston the same. They are spending numbers that we can't even fathom at UNT. If UNT is to ever unlock our potential it will be because we found our rich alums that can force us to the top of the heap. I will say I am very pessimistic this will ever happen. We are a school with a legacy of producing wonderful teachers, musicians and artist. Billionaires on the other hand, we have very few of. That said it really only takes one if they are super motivated. Hopefully we find that person.
  9. I used to drive up from Houston for most home games. Had club seats for the whole family. I drank the green Kool-aid in gulps. I truly thought our arrow was pointing up once the stadium was built but alas I was wrong. We are still in a competition to be the tallest midget. Our school still accepts 80% of students. We still don't have big money donors that can springboard us to new heights. Our signature wins are games like Arkansas when they were absolutely terrible that year. Now the addition of NIL is raising big money influence on college football to new unattainable levels for G5,6,7ers. Reality has set in for many of us long timers. NT will always be NT, a great community that we all enjoyed but lacking in any notoriety across athletics or academics. That's ok. It's just reality. My time there has served me well. I still watch the games on TV if I can. I just don't dream of being big time. It's never going to happen.
  10. Damn I hate being negative but after that complete dismantling by Tech the best I can say is we might be the tallest midget.
  11. Oh my sweet summer child…..
  12. Can I sum this thread up? We don’t have the money. Frankly I don't think we ever will. Please prove me wrong. At one point I tried to be part of the solution. I actively donated to the new stadium. I got my club seats. I attended fundraisers seeking large donors. I had a dream of us eventually being big time. While I certainly could not be the big time donor we needed I felt like it was my responsibility to do what I could. So for years I engaged, helped, donated. Sadly, I realized just how far behind we truly are in the money race. It was very disheartening. While UNT has great alumni that I truly appreciate getting to know. We have no mega donors and very few large donors. We have come a long way but we are still so far behind. Hopefully someone here can be that donor they need.
  13. His highest GDP was 2.9%. Same as the second term of Obama but needing a massive tax cut to achieve it. It’s just numbers. Don’t take it personally
  14. Why does the money not come with a recapture clause if they leave? Or does it? I have always felt like some of the problems could be handled contractually. Either way it is not a game we are well equipped to play.
  15. Great points but that is all in the past. The new world order has Stanford in a desperate move to the ACC. A conference that will almost certainly be broken up soon and winners from that conference shakeup will not be Stanford, SMU, Duke, Cal, Pitt etc. They will be playing in the special-ed conferences like most schools. The silver lining to all of this is we can return back to the day of the student athlete and focus on academics first. Hundreds of schools around the country realize now that the chase is over and will shift gears.
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