Parking at the Alamodome is reserved for season ticket holders, that's why there is no general parking there, but we do tailgate well. I have an extra ticket and parking pass if anyone is interested. My seats are behind the visitor's bench, 35-yard line (section 133, row 10, seats 1 and 2, I will be in seat 1). The parking pass is in Lot B (best tailgating lot), there is no reserved parking, it's first come, first serve. Because UTSA is horrible this year, there won't be a big crowd. We had the smallest crowd in program history last home game (16,874). We did have 42,000+ for the Baylor game earlier this year, but that was before UTSA fans knew how bad we are. Our normal attendance is usually around the 25-30K mark. Come on down, have some food and drink (the Alamodome sells alcohol BTW), and don't beat up on us too bad.