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Everything posted by CarmanSandiego

  1. Hey guys, in Philly this weekend and wondering if by a long shot anyone knows if there is a UNT alumni spot up here? Thanks and GMG!!!
  2. Does anyone know what platform/channel, if any, CFL games are shown on in US?
  3. I'm not so sure. Mason suffered from a lack of traditional D1 size, lack of playing against top tier competition, and lack of exposure. Wilson is physically bigger than Mason and played at a large Texas high school that had success. Mason had none of that going for him.
  4. I saw that yesterday. But the link they include provides zero details.
  5. Does anyone know if the the Mean Green Gameday Shuttle from the square still runs? I haven't tried to use it in a few years and all information on the interwebs is a few years old. Thanks for any help.
  6. Anyone able to provide insight on why UNT only had 2 games at Fouts Field that year?
  7. Most 7th grade uses the youth size. 8th grade is hit or miss between standard and youth. Our feeder pattern has 8th grade use the NCAA size to allow the kids to get used to it before their freshman year.
  8. I hear all that. My main point is summarized as this: people that are in this message board not going to games will not have much of a visual impact because the stadium is generally half capacity on a good day (outside of 1st game of season). This isn't a school with large crowds unless we blowout Arkansas, end up on SC Top 10, and have a once in a generation QB. Other approaches would likely have a larger impact w/o creating any negative impact on athletic funds. Sidenote: I enjoy going to games, regardless of our W/L record. Yes, winning makes it more fun, but the whole pageantry and hanging out with friends/fellow UNT fans makes the experience.
  9. As someone who played college football and participated in the recruiting process, yes. Butts in seats and people upset with coaching means there is a fan base that actually cares. Empty stands reflects apathy.
  10. I do not advise we sit idly by, bite down hard, and take it. I just think there are avenues for change that would have less negative impact on the program as a whole. If I had the answers, I would be a very wealthy man. But simple steps that would be more productive in my opinion are: attending public events that Wren is at and address your position directly or attending forums that allow public comments show up to games with brown bag masks and signs that reflect how you feel. If TV's pick that up, it is a terrible look for AD. Bottom line is that lack of funds and attendance will have a direct negative impact on recruiting and thus the product on the field. Lack of attendance has never been a major factor in any decision UNT has made in athletics because we routinely suffer from poor attendance. So the ticket boycott would be ineffective/unnoticed and harm the program more than it helped.
  11. I understand y'alls frustration with the coach and the on field product. I also understand that a message can be sent to those in charge that mediocrity is not acceptable anymore by "boycotting" football games. There is an argument to be made that strategy only works at schools that historically have a high attendance rate, which UNT sadly does not. However, I disagree with your methodology for coaching change. By not attending games and providing UNT with much needed money, the program will suffer even more. It is not advantageous in the recruiting race when a prospect sees 1/4 full stadium during an average year. It strengthens the notion of apathy surrounding our athletics program, which has been a massive struggle for UNT to overcome and change.
  12. Call me naive, but how is the NIL a 100% terrible thing like many on this board are making it out to be? While I do agree that there is the likelihood for separating the Power 5 from the Group of 5 and the big guns in the Power 5 from the rest, is this not fair for the athletes? Any other student on a scholarship can monetize themselves for what they are on scholarship for. Music scholarship student can release an album and make money. Art scholarship student can sell paintings and not lose a scholarship. How is this any different? Further, in all honesty, it is not as if UNT was competing against the big guns of college football, nor where they ever going to. I love UNT as much as the next guy, but realistic expecations are important. We can and should be the top of the also rans in the next college football shake up.
  13. Paxton Lynch just signed with them. I wonder if there is a big QB competition going on up there.
  14. Planning on going to my first game this season. When looking at seats via school's page, there are only options on the second level. Did UNT close off the bottom bowl or is there really only second level seats left for purchase? Gracias for any help.
  15. Thank you! Never thought to look at one of the main sports channels. So used to the little guys.
  16. I can't seem to find what/if this game will be televised. Anyone out there in Mean Green Land have info on how/where to catch this game? Gracias.
  17. Hey guys, the last two years my group has pre-gamed on the square and then taken the shuttle to Apogee. Does anyone know if the gameday shuttle is running this year? I can't find anything about the shuttle this year. I am assuming it isn't going because of COVID.
  18. When speaking with the ticket office, they said they would only release 25% of the tickets normally available.
  19. From experience, your more succesful programs (Allen, DeSoto, Ceder Hill, etc.) have a position coach with the added title "recruiting coordinator". They work on making sure all entry tests and GPA are inline with the school/level the kid is wanting to play at. They also help kids navigate those murky waters and help kids that aren't your 5 or 4 star player get to play somewhere. Other schools that may not be as dominant or have many players that get heavily recruited will have a coach that will help, but does not have the depth of knowledge and structure set up for the recruiting/signing process.
  20. A lot of people like to see UNT play, especially on TV. It is easier to see UNT when it's on TV
  21. If you want the ultimate, you've gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.
  22. That looks badass.
  23. Why the change? They had such classic uni's. They look like uni's for a CFL or AAF team.
  24. Looks like we beat out K-State and Okie State to land him.
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