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C Rod

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C Rod last won the day on October 5 2024

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  1. Darkness can add drama when done right. I think we should lean into it and spotlight the court and let the rest of the stadium seating fall into darkness. It will also help hide empty seats. The Lakers do this and it looks great on TV.
  2. I understand coach speak and it goes both ways. I did not expect Coach Morris to speak so glowingly of Drew. I expected something more measured like: "Drew had a great game all things considered. He showed poise, awareness, and threw the ball well. Are there some throws he'd like to have back? You bet. But this is a learning process and being his first start since high school, I think he handled himself well and the team rallied around him. And we fell just short of the win. As a 6-7 program, we all have work to do to get better and it begins tomorrow."
  3. I agree. Cam is Cam and his body of work speaks for itself. I'm reading between the lines when Coach Morris says Drew could still be playing football in 15 years. I guess technically he could be a 10 - 12 year career backup NFL QB but that's not the vibe I'm getting from Coach. Coach is clearly excited about what he saw yesterday out of Drew. If he keeps talking like this, Drew won't be here to start the season.
  4. Umm, tell that to Coach Morris. He's already talking about Drew being a franchise QB in the NFL.
  5. This feels like a double-edged sword. Happy to see UNT on the ESPN front page with this headline stealing the thunder from TX State. However I'd also like to keep our breakout QB a secret until after the Spring portal window closes. I rewatched the game on TV and saw SMU HC Rhett Lashlee was in attendance. He had prime seats for the Drew Mestemaker show.
  6. Makes sense why Rice said screw it and adopted the triple option.
  7. K-12 school curriculum is primarily determined by state governments, with local school districts tailoring and implementing it according to state standards. The federal government has minimal influence over the curriculum. If you don't like what you currently have, take it up with your state and local school board.
  8. Maybe he's planning on playing for dad at TX State next season? TX State's current QB Jordan McCloud is a senior.
  9. This is why I don't mind our Wing helmet because it's still our logo, just enlarged with the eagle's head and talons being replaced by a player's face. It's balanced, streamlined, and aggressive.
  10. The conference championship games generate too much TV revenue to abandon. They won't vote in favor of it because it takes money off the table. I think it's more realistic to expect another expansion of the CFP in the coming years.
  11. I make no apologies when I say these helmets look like trash. The offset placement of our logo is a terrible design choice because it leaves way too much negative space at the front of the helmet.
  12. Are you sure it was the Ozempic?
  13. That means players unionizing and collective bargaining agreements. It also means employment status for athletes and all the requirements and benefits the comes with that which is exactly what the universities don't want.
  14. Ahh yes, the good ole' Garland Classic.
  15. I don't know which is more sad, the fact that you're right or the fact that you've spent so much time on this board to know exactly how we'll react.
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