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Hall Eagle 2011

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Everything posted by Hall Eagle 2011

  1. Someone posted on this site about discounted C-USA Tournament tickets. They are affiliated with C-USA. Let me find the thread. Looks like the all-session tickets are slightly discounted, but I would reach out to the contact to see if there are any other discounts.
  2. UTSA is manhandling us on offense, this game may have high school refs - fitting for this 3A high school gymnasium, it seems we do something stupid every time we need to maintain the ball/the game in general, and UTSA #2 Jackson is shooting up some VERY ugly shots this second half. Also - #23 on UTSA looks like a grown man. Please, guys, do not lose to these nUTSAcks. Keep going to the hole. P.S. Their paper box cannon was nowhere to be found on screen.
  3. Funny this was brought up - The night before the Bowl Game, I was in the elevator at the team hotel with Quinn and asked him what his plans were after the season (you know, if he was going to shoot for his PHD at UNT, team manager/towel boy, or something else to stick around Denton (jokingly)) - He brought up potentially going to the XFL! Not kidding. I cannot see him there, but that's just my opinion. He went on to say that ultimately, he sees himself coaching as that's what he is passionate about. Will be interesting to see how the XFL rolls out, as I wouldn't be surprised if we do see some NT names there in the future; probably some JG-scenario types. I hope JG will be successful, but also hoping he follows the right steps and has a back-up plan. Another year at UNT would have done him some real good, but to each their own! As another post said, I would be far more concerned if this were Rico Bussey. Can't wait to see that kid play next year.
  4. The ability to express emotion with an increase to the limits in daily reactions. It’s a mere consequence of adding another Mega Thread and burning out your reaction limit within the first 10 minutes of reading through it. 😆
  5. He technically walked during the New Mexico Bowl commencement event they had the night before the Bowl Game. My dad asked Mason that night if he (JG) would be returning as a grad transfer next year and Mason told us yes, so I think this is news to everyone since obviously his plans have changed since that took place. He does have his degree though.
  6. This is the best idea. They have the videos for 3rd down (when on defense), so it seems they could easily do this. Send in the request!
  7. 3 good things: 1) Cal lost. 2) They are embarrassingly slow. 3) It should be pick city against them next year ending with us taking it to the house every.single.time.
  8. Like @UNT 90 Grad mentioned, it's a BS thing. The signs in their stadium say "Welcome to The Blue": Home of the Broncos - They literally bleed blue; like their iconic blue turf.
  9. Got it. I knew about Choice, but figured the post would have been more specific (at least offense vs. defense asst. coach), but maybe not. Thanks!
  10. Why is there a LinkedIn Post for an Assistant Football Coach? LinkedIn - Assistant Coach-Football
  11. Merry Christmas, gents! Props to this daughter for adding to her dad's Man Cave and MG attire this year ( 💁‍♀️ ). Love seeing these Mean Green gifts!
  12. This series is really awesome, super interesting, and we get to see a different side of UNT Football than we see on game days. It is obvious there is a lot of work that is put in behind the scenes to make it. Thank y'all for putting these together all year long. I always look forward to the next episode! Keep up the good work. Go Mean Green!
  13. Don’t forget some kolaches, but most importantly the candy wall.
  14. No opponent listed? Killing me softly.
  15. Wish the UNT bookstore/Voertman’s/Rally House at least sold a version of the shirt in black with an upgraded design. While I don’t 100% dig the obnoxiously huge helmet on the Black L/S here, it may be my preference weather-wise. The Black S/S design is better IMO, but I agree with posts above on seeing the mascots. Any Bowl shirts without the mascots/opponent logo of some sort, name of the bowl, AND date are a waste of funds. 😬 http://newmexicobowlstore.com/GNMB/category/2018.html
  16. One of those being the good ol’ hog smackin’. #WooPigWhoie
  17. We are heading out Thursday after work and staying in Amarillo for the night, then driving to ABQ Friday morning for the night, and back to Amarillo at some point after the game for the night. All I saw tonight on the forecast was a high wind advisory for both Amarillo and ABQ currently/on Thursday. No snow/precipitation. WFAA reported yesterday that there is likely to be some “wintry” mix coming through the DFW area on Thursday/Friday, so I think the earliest people can head out of town, the better, to avoid that mess. It gets down to the 30’s in Amarillo and ABQ (sometimes 20’s this time of year) at night, so it will be chilly, but nothing messy. Game Day should be in the low/mid-50’s, so it will be a little chilly, but should be a sunny day for some good football. Regardless of any weather, we are powering through (after we swing by Buccee’s in Denton on our way).
  18. You know it! We (my siblings/their wives and my parents) went this past summer for our first family vacation in like 10 years. That Lake is amazing - We canoed out there as well. It’s unreal!
  19. These results/"minutes" are terribly difficult to read. I even tried to skim to understand bits and pieces more, and could not even make it through all the way. 😬
  20. Thank you for the warm welcome into this blessed trademarked club, guys. Let me know if I can personalize my sash. Thanks! (That was a joke for anyone thinking the new girl actually believes there are honorary sashes ... or meetings. Obviously conference calls would be easier.)
  21. One additional: Someone assumed my account was really Jimmy Sexton disguising himself as a female. (Ref: Page 83) It was comical.
  22. Well, at least there are some other females here. Gotta keep these men in check at some point ... 🤪 No brothers played at UNT. Funny enough, I actually messaged one of the Admins last week because I wanted to change my display name, but now I don’t think I can go through with it. I welcome the opportunity for someone to call me out - Hell, that guy’s post warranted a response and in turn ended up increasing my reputation and profile views by many. 😂 If anyone ever needs a woman’s input, I’ll stick around. 🤷‍♀️👌🏼
  23. You’re 💯 correct - I ran out of reactions last night! My dad was Scrappy from ‘79-‘80 before graduating in ‘80, then got his Masters and graduated again in ‘81. I am pretty sure it was already Scrappy by then! I have been needing to find a picture or article if I can ever make it up to campus during their business/campus hours and get NT Daily to help me look through the archives. 🤪
  24. While I appreciate you thinking I am a sports agent making the big bucks, I assure you I am a real-life, middle-class, working female. 😊 Yes, I realize I am probably the only female commenting here on this thread/on this site. A few things: I know more about football probably more than the average female, grew up with 2 football-playing brothers their whole lives, grew up going to UNT football games with my brothers and dad (both parents are Alumni; Dad was Scrappy for a year back in the day), am an Alumni myself (in the Todd Dodge days 😬), have been a season ticket holder since I graduated, still have connections in the Athletics department to keep up with the drama (though I could always come to this page), and I keep my mouth shut on things I don't know much about. I'm fairly knowledgeable with the football program and the history of the program. That being said, I know my place here and many will probably "Skeptical Eagle" on me because I'm a female and that's fine. But, I see no problem in adding to a post when I know something - hence my earlier post. Like many of you, I love MG Football and just like to stay up-to-date on the latest. Also - I am a new user to the site as of last month, which is why you've "never" seen me post. Sorry to burst your bubble. But, if you talk to Jimmy, feel free to tell him to send some of his millions my way. 💸
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