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Hall Eagle 2011

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Everything posted by Hall Eagle 2011

  1. Congrats JG! Also - Safeties or WR's? Has Guyton been practicing as a Safety now?
  2. I very much wish we could be at today's game, but we won't be able to make it. 😫 I hope there are a lot of butts in seats to see this senior class off in the best way, even though this season hasn't gone the way we wanted! That being said, we have 5 season tickets we won't be using if anyone wants them - Section 210, Row 6, Seats 24-28. Pickup in Carrollton (Bush/Old Denton Rd. exit area). Seats include seatbacks. I also have a Blue Lot parking pass available that can be emailed (but tickets are hard copies, so can't email those). GMG!
  3. Just my opinion, and it may be an unpopular one, I think anything higher than college level ball after he finishes school is a bold decision ... for next year. I’m specifically judging this based on the fact that he hasn’t even had surgery yet. Agree it is probably safe to assume it’s almost impossible to tell as of right now, I’m just surprised surgery hasn’t happened yet, regardless of any decision he chooses to make. 🤷‍♀️
  4. I wouldn’t be surprised of that either, but coming off of an injury, especially an ACL reconstructive surgery - a good 6-months recovery (speaking from experience - thank you UNT coed intramural soccer) - I would think it would be challenging to slide your way into a P5 school as a grad transfer post-injury. But what do I know. 😄 Hopefully he gets some guidance.
  5. Does he have surgery scheduled soon? I would think he would’ve already wanted to have this scheduled and done with by now ... Whether his decision is to stay at NT another year (the smart move) or try to go ahead and attempt the draft (not smart move ... i.e. I’m getting Guyton vibes all over again). Theres no shame in admitting it, so it seems silly he’s saying it’s not torn when I’m pretty sure someone confirmed this in an article or presser within a week or 2 of it happening? 🙄
  6. RIP to this thread, @Mean Green Matt 🙃😭
  7. I’m just going to leave this here for everyone who says Black is not a school color ... It actually is technically a school color noted on the website (though the grey is not officially noted). Sorry ... 😬 I have wanted to see more Black uni combos this year and was hoping for the icy whites in Ruston - because why waste those on Rice? - But, instead, we get more grey. They must really like those unis for whatever reason ... 🤷‍♀️
  8. Matt’s correct. This play happened somewhat in front of our section (110/210) and the ball looked loose before the hit occurred - From what we could see. Logistics aside, putting 14 points up on that scoreboard in the first 29 seconds of the game was great.
  9. We’ll be there as well! Hoping to return the favor of their win over us last year. GMG
  10. I was quite impressed with the student attendance last night. I absolutely LOVED seeing the sea of white from across the way. They were loud and proud (which accentuated the “MF-in Eagles”, meh) - But it sounded great from the other side. Students if you’re on here, PLEASE keep it up. It is so great to see those sections filled! Students being loud (and just being there) during games can make such a huge difference. Keep. It. Up!
  11. I agree. The GB seemed more engaged throughout the entire game than in previous years, playing short little “somethings” on first downs or if ACU had a loss of yards, they played a quick little something. “God Bless America” was beautiful - I love that they outlined a map of the USA with Texas outlined. Overall, they sounded LOUD last night. It was a different vibe in that stadium and they were a big contribution to that. The students showed great support for them as well, cheering them on loudly. This might be an unpopular opinion ...I liked the halftime show, but didn’t love it. Pre-game was awesome though. Looking forward to seeing what they do the rest of the season!
  12. I completely agree with all of the above. My dad and I (both Alumni) cannot figure out for the life of us why this continues to be acceptable. Sure, some said it back in my day as a student, but it was nowhere near as loud as it is now. And yes, you can definitely hear it from across Apogee. It just doesn't sound good. It might be funny to the students chanting it, but it sounds terrible hearing it - Maybe I take more pride in my Alma Mater nowadays and probably took it for granted as a student ... Cuss all you want, just not during our Fight Song. 🤷‍♀️ Just my opinion.
  13. Big Tex's money resembles Jerry Jones.
  14. Kudos to the guys who made this decision for the home opener. Absolutely love this look!
  15. I have traveled to Abilene/ACU quite a bit over the past 3 years for work (my company administers their employee benefits and I'm a consultant) - I got to tour their new stadium when it was built and it is INCREDIBLY nice for a college their size. They hosted a concert with a few bands as part of their grand opening. They have a lot of really neat buildings on campus as well - They were renovating their library last summer/early fall and their Visitors/Welcome Center is super nice. I like their baseball field too. Having worked fairly closely with their HR team and some of their C-level Executives, they don't have much turnover from a staff/coach perspective (though coaches can always be up in the air anywhere you go), and also seem to have a large amount of resources available to them. There are some great coaches and executives there - All-around good people! I can confirm that they definitely have money. A lot of donors and great Alumni support.
  16. I really hated the quality of the ESPN+ broadcasts for some of our games - Old Dominion comes to mind and was the absolute worst. Even some of the basketball games on there were mediocre camera control at best. I also really like being able to watch pre-game - And that's really hard to do on ESPN+. You can't even navigate to the game until it's game start time. It drives me crazy, but that might just be a personal preference. I did like that you could do this on Stadium/Facebook; just tune in live 30 minutes before the game started and they would be showing our pre-game warm-up live/that would be what they were covering, but tend to agree that it sounds pretty "small time." You also get the same commercials over and over again. Regardless - Something needs to be done about the poor coverage. But, at the end of the day, I'm just glad I get to watch an away game on TV if I can't be there in person. When will there be a new C-USA Commissioner? Do they have certain 'term' lengths? (Honestly asking - I don't know how this works)
  17. One of the best games as a UNT Alumni & Fan. Amazing atmosphere and I'm still amazed at some of the clips in the highlights how loud we were at that huge stadium, only filling up one section. We drove up early that morning and drove back afterwards - We will never forget that game! Also, one of the best sights (aside from the fake punt return) at that game was seeing how much of the Arkansas crowd cleared out after halftime - then another good chunk after the 3rd quarter. When Kemon got that pick and ran it in, then just pointed at the crowd in our section, you could feel that we had conquered that stadium. Everyone in red was completely defeated that day and it was marvelous. Arkansas game aside, one of my other favorite games was the very last home game at Fouts against Kansas State in 2010 (Riley Dodge days). Dunbar rushed for like 270 yards or something and had a great game. Even though we lost, it's still one of my favorite games during my time there (07-11) - Fouts was packed for the entire game and didn't trickle out after the half. Good times.
  18. We have been in 211 for the last couple of years and moved over to 210 this year. The ticket prices in either of these sections does not include a MGSF donation to receive the parking pass - So, if you bought tickets in 211 for the 2019 season that just happened to be $300 or more, those are just for your seats on game day; no parking included. As @MeanGreenTexan mentioned, there are seats tied to the MGSF, but not the seats you mentioned. You would have to buy your tickets and make an additional donation of $300+ towards the MGSF in order to receive your Blue Lot Parking Pass along with your seats. This past year, they also had them available to purchase in advance of game day (not day of game day though) - they may have had them in prior years, but I never got one until this past year and ended up buying one each of the last 3 home games. They are totally worth it if you are trucking along kids and don't want to walk from Fouts all the way over (though good exercise 😬). I brought my 5-year old to the FAU game and we didn't get out of there until 12:30am - I was happy to have a Blue Lot pass that game for sure. I would also plan to buy a Blue Lot pass before some of the bigger games this upcoming year (Houston, Homecoming game, etc.), as Fouts parking seems to get pretty full pretty quick those days. I had to have someone explain this to me last season too, so happy to pass along the info to someone else. Hope that helps!
  19. When I looked last night and earlier today, tickets were starting at $20. Weird that yours says $25! I attempted to try to find out what seats/row we would be in with some of the different options that pop up to buy tickets, but it was a nightmare if you don't know the seating chart - Once you click to add tickets to your cart, it then tells you what your section, row, and seats are, but the seating map only shows GA for every section, so it's almost impossible to know where you would be sitting until you get to the game. Just my 2 cents for anyone trying to get single session tickets online - Save yourself from confusion/headache and just buy them at the door upon arrival.
  20. Court A http://conferenceusa.com/documents/2019/3/9//MBB_WBB_CH19_Brackets.pdf?id=13048
  21. @TheReal_jayD Thanks for reeling in my question on the podcast! To clarify, I've listened to many of the recruiting podcasts, so I know y'all have one. 🙂 I more so meant I didn't know if my question applied to the topic of recruiting (because I hadn't seen any kicker names with the commits) - I was just curious to hear if they had anyone up-and-coming we hadn't heard much about yet since y'all were talking about next season anyways. Will keep an eye out for it this spring! Thanks for the insight as always.
  22. Uh-oh, looks like I had a typo. 😞 We are in section 210, not 110. I'll still let my dad know you say hello! 😁 If I remember your section by the time August comes around, we will for sure come by and say hello. We pass 110 anyways and he and I always take a first game selfie down in the first few rows of section 111/110. What a small world!
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