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Cooke County Kid

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Everything posted by Cooke County Kid

  1. NORTH
  2. If you come in the stadium from the southwest gate or the Red/Blue making lot I believe you will see it. GO MEAN GREEN
  3. I think that BV has this one correct. GO MEAN GREEN!
  4. I think that we have some very qualified back-ups, let us just hope we don't "have to" use except in clean up duty!! GO MEAN GREEN! WIN GAMES! BBEAT aCu
  5. Arkansas got curb stomped, they are just butt sore, from last year!! GO MEAN GREEN Beat aCu
  6. Let's try this one. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiV0cfl06bkAhUInKwKHYYDCk0QxfQBMAF6BAgAEAM&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dallasnews.com%2Fnews%2Feducation%2F2019%2F08%2F26%2Fallows-us-dream-big-fastest-growing-college-texas-fills-gap-focusing-homegrown-students&usg=AOvVaw21_BW5KN5fC18EE-DRvpu4
  7. I thought that was the one from today's Morning News, I might have grabbed the wrong one, hmmm.
  8. Great article on UNT-Dallas https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiV0cfl06bkAhUInKwKHYYDCk0QxfQBMAF6BAgAEAM&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dallasnews.com%2Fnews%2Feducation%2F2019%2F08%2F26%2Fallows-us-dream-big-fastest-growing-college-texas-fills-gap-focusing-homegrown-students&usg=AOvVaw21_BW5KN5fC18EE-
  9. Amen to that, "Why not North Texas" Win Games!!!!!!!!!! Beat aCu!!! GO MEAN GREEN!!!
  10. It seems like everything is trending up, we just have to keep that trajectory! GO MEAN GREEN BEAT aCu!!!!!!!!!!
  11. The Alumni association was handing them out. WIN GAMES BEAT aCu GO MEAN GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I do not know about you but I thought Mean Green Mania was a big success. Our Athletic Department has sure raised its game. The garage sale, the practice, mingling with other fans, the refreshments, selling swag all over the place, the coaches speaking, all in the confines of the Hub Club. The alumni association with the license plate holders, first rate not cheap plastic. I just found the entire atmosphere energetic and nice. Things just seem to be getting better and better. A big thank you to the Administration, the Athletic Department and Wren Baker. We have a Great Team and a Great Coaching staff and I feel good about this year and the future. I've got to break out those Mean Green shades, the future is so bright!!! WIN GAMES BEAT aCu GO MEAN GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. THE STAND on Halloween night versus Rice was incredible, the House was Rocking, it was electric. The Houston game will put UNT into the top 25! GO MEAN GREEN BEAT aCu
  14. You tell me if you think they are. Donald Trump is a racist and a sexist. Donald was not raised the same way I was or he would not talk like he does. My parents raised me in a different manner, Church is and was a part of my upbringing. My reading of the Bible does nor approve of the actions of this person. My parents raised me that if you do not have anything good to say about someone do not say anything at all. I will be quiet now...........
  15. The entire issue should not even be an issue. We were all taught how to treat one another. We are all here together, like it or not. We are either going to make things work or we will not. I choose to believe that we will come together and solve our problems. The divisiveness and hate that runs through these and other comments are sad. We are all human beings and made in God's image, if you are a believer, and we are called to Love thy neighbor as thyself. We may have differences but the things we have in common are much more than the things that divide us, yet we dwell on the divisions. We have no leadership in Washington and what we do have is a disgrace. I am an American and I want what is best for ALL Americans, not the rich, not the privilege, not corporations but ALL Americans, you included..............
  16. That was a sobering bunch of statistics. We need to raise more money and lots of it, I am embarrassed. We do not financially support our University/teams. I give but I guess not enough. We need a serious fundraising program. We will not make it to the next level without it..... GO MEAN GREEN GIVE MONEY
  17. The one we win!!! GO MEAN GREEN
  18. WIN GAMES!!!!!!!!!!
  19. The "Diving Eagle" design does not show a Conference Affiliation, what do you suppose that means............. GO MEAN GREEN WIN GAMES!!!!!!
  20. We need to be in a better conference period. I would gladly travel to UNM, Air Force, CSU and Wyoming. They are all on IH-25 and near the mountains. What could be better, the beach, got that too. Love me some Spirit Airlines. AAC would be better but I would take the Mountain West. GO MEAN GREEN!!! WIN GAMES
  22. Instead of adding Liberty we need to move up the chain. MWC or AAC please...........
  23. I could care less about political parties, they are destroying our nation. I am a. moderate American. I do not support Donald because he is in it only for himself. Calling people hacks, Mueller, a republican is a page out of Donald's book. The rule of law...... sorry Rick you can't take the high ground on that one, this is America and Donald does have a good grasp of the law, except he knows how to abuse it. You are drinking the wrong Kool-aid, it is supposed to be (mean) Green!!
  24. Well so it is over, nothing here, move along............. Mueller was true to his charge and did not investigate Deranged Donald because he knew it would not be pursued by the Justice Department. He did say that the Russians helped Deranged Donald win the election. He did say that if Donald was "Not Guilty" he would have said so and he did not. Do not believe your own eyes and ears, it was from Mueller's mouth, not Donald telling us what the report says, not Mitch McConnell, not Lindsay Graham or Rudy but the former head of the FBI who was approved by the Senate 100-0. No collusion, not so fast. Donald would just as soon lie when the truth would serve him better. How can Donald drain the swamp when he is the swamp. Make America, America again!!!
  25. I sure hope this "new recruit" will soar high one wings of the UNT EAGLES!!! GO MEAN GREEN BEAT aCu
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