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Mrs. Esterhouse

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  1. I agree completely. People shouldn't be kept in a job that they're not performing well in just because they've been there a long time, are alums or really any other reason. These were people who consistently performed well at their jobs, chose to attend games they weren't working to support teams, and were very invested in seeing UNT succeed.
  2. Not only is there not a good % of UNT people working for the Athletic Department, the WB/JM administration actually ran off the ones that were there. They don't seem to see any value in having people with UNT ties in the department and instead viewed them as a detriment.
  3. Wasn't there supposed to be a flyover yesterday before the game?
  4. The AD, the coaches and the team need to go out to the campus and local community. I don't see them doing anything in Denton or around campus to get people excited and in the seats. Coach Morris just blames the fans for not showing up and telling them to get over themselves because the game was at 11am. That's not how you get butts in seats.
  5. There definitely needs to be more done to reach out to students, faculty and staff. I've been on campus for a long time and for most of those years, I've hardly seen any advertisements on campus promoting upcoming games in any sport. They need to get coaches and players out on campus promoting the games. Have them walking around talking to students, handing out freebies and showing them how to get tickets. You could even have them giving out free general admission tickets to games. Have pep rally type events in the Union during lunch time. Get the coaches and athletes in the dorms and the greek houses. Make it easier for people to get tickets. I love the idea of having a ticket office in the Union or somewhere on the main campus. Offer more free tickets or discounts to faculty and staff. There are over 40,000 students and a ton of faculty/staff. If we could do more to get even a fraction of those people engaged and at games, it would be amazing.
  6. Consider donating to UNT Libraries. They even have a University Archivist and would likely love to have your items in the collection.
  7. The whole way home I kept thinking of things I should have said to her.
  8. I got them too. Strange. My guess is it's just a glitch.
  9. We had some FAU fans sitting in front of us last night and they actually turned around and told me I needed to chill out because I was cheering our team and yelling at the refs. She said there was no need to get so into the game if I didn't have money on it. Lady, don't come into my house and tell me how to act. On a related note, I am so tired of paying for season tickets year after year and ending up with obnoxious visiting fans sitting around us. Just whining, sorry.
  10. Was anyone else disappointed by the turnout for the 50th anniversary player recognition yesterday? There was only one player from this century. I'm really glad the department invited them back but why weren't there more former players there especially from the past 20 years?
  11. Keeping my fingers crossed that we lose Caponi in the off-season (if not sooner)
  12. Mac as in Coach McCarney? The last coach to get us a bowl win? That Mac? Yes, his tenure ended horribly but he also led some great teams and he truly cared about the character of his players.
  13. How many years have they been doing construction at the Pit?
  14. For his first years, then it was Aune.
  15. Are you talking about our win against UTSA? A game that was at home in the cold rain against a team that is not used to playing in bad weather? That was a great game but I have a feeling we would have lost if the weather hadn't been on our side.
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