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Everything posted by NorthTexasWeLove

  1. I have no idea. But I can tell you this without having ever seen him communicate with a single recruit, he's not a closer. With his persona, mannerisms, likes, etc. There is no way he could be. And, as I've stated 27,574 times on GMG, recruiting is everything. You're either wheeling and dealing and positioning a program with power pulls and moves, Twitter snarks, or always talking about recruiting. Traylor, in his recruiting approach reminds me a lot of Kirby Smart and his approach. When either one of those guys are being interviewed regardless of the time of year it is, they are dropping recruiting lines, recruiting catch phrases or straight up talking about recruiting in an obvious advantageous way for their programs. Always. Never fails. SL is focusing on trying to quit staring at the tip of his nose with both eyes during his interviews. His comments are very forgettable, mundane. As if the interview didn't even hallen. Non-existent presence, if you will.
  2. Isn't he contractually obligated to?
  3. People saying it's too late to fire him is wrong. It's not ideal. But it's never too late or early. It has to be right. It was right after the Miami(OH) loss. It is right, now. Can't move up if you don't take chances. I'd rather have a dude in here pulling transfers and jucos and selective HS kids with energy and promise. Then, going 3-9 or 4-8 next season is tolerable. We are gelling. Players are learning. Probably need 1 more transfer/juco/HS class to be pretty competitive in AAC.
  4. Haha..i know the show. Not the episode. But that's a possible metaphor. Smastrek has to man up. Though the silence right now is deafening.
  5. Hopefully they are using this in their pitch. But recruiters recruit all day, every day and they snag and go and pry and pull and let people know of their successful pulls and they just get after it. It's a constant. There are P5 coordinators out there in the landscape that are pretty bad X and O guys, but they hold so much value in the recruiting game they dictate a coordinator title and pay. I'm not so sure a new conference patch is going to help this crew throw out a wide net and close. I mean, imagine SL in his voice trying to close a SOC Golden Bear... "I'm just a simple guy from Muskogee that loves my jeans and boots and chew tobbacco and I can take care of your son" Just, uh, naw man... I'm good.
  6. I'm not buying this anymore. Our facilities are up at the top. And plans are to continue improvements. Our pay structures are at the top. Support is there. Results are not.
  7. I've been to 4 games in 3 years. 3 were Homecoming and the Frisco Bowl. I regretted the bowl. I will always go to Homecoming. It's my obligation to the University to go. But, that's it. Has been it. Will comtinue to be it.
  8. Word. Thank you to the players. 1 more show though.
  9. It's not about convincing me, but the power brokers at UT and ATM.
  10. Hush and fall in line you young whippersnapper.
  11. I'm not sure his next stop will be atm/UT. More like OSU or Tech. You gotta remember, people don't pay attention to CUSA football and that includes HS football coaches, top flight recruits. He needs another stone to step on before he gets those offers, imo.
  12. I think the personnel was more eyebrow raising than the call.
  13. There isn't a way to make it make sense....
  14. This is where we are, and it's shameful.
  15. This is intriguing...
  16. Nope. We probably won't do any of that.
  17. Comes back? Like a comeback? Are you trying to give your prediction credence? A very Vito thing to go. We got smoked. You were way off on your prediction. SL needs to go. But, I digress. Polish that turd up, man.
  18. Lol. Oh you funny North Texas fan you, just meshing together CUSA records with AAC rexords. As another poster said tonight stated that I thought was funny...unbelievable, amazing.
  19. I've read this from several posters. If this is true then they can go douchebag off. All BMD can go douchebag off. I'd rather be underfunded 6-6 or 5-7 ULM rather than 7-6 us. It makes no difference. So, if you're reading this, go on now..
  20. Late, yes. I agree. In today's game, not like the old timer game/boomer game, offense efficiency/confidence in the O brings exponentially more effort on defense. It's starting to show its head at all levels.
  21. I know. It wasn't effort. They tried. Just, misguided.
  22. No. I'm not a bot. I type fast and misspell shit and don't care. I'm opinionated and it hurts feelings. And I'm right. And it hurts peoples feelings more when they realize that. There are people on here that share my opinions, but they're not as vocal and they run from critiscism quickly. Me, I don't give a flying fuuuuuu. So, I continue to voice my opinion. People try to "out" me as if I care, but my name is Ben Gooding and I've been a fan since 2011. Shit, furthermore, my Twitter handle is @BenBGooding There ya go. No bot
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