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Everything posted by NorthTexasWeLove

  1. The game was well in hand when Rogers came in vs Cal. He was trying to lead an offense that had already tucked its tail. That is an impossible ask.
  2. No. None of that happened. Rogers does not carry himself in that manner. If anything, he appears to be the opposite of. He appears to be a leader, doesn't get visually frustrated with his OL, and has had a good mental grasp on what is happening around him from snap 1 in a green uniform. I would wager it was a really bad evaluation effort. As another poster pointed out, when Morris named Stone the starter, he did in fact state that it was nothing Chandler did or didn't do that led him to that decision implying Morris genuinely thought Stone was "the guy."
  3. It is still unjustifiable how CR wasnt QB1 in week 1. I dont even see the talent level even being a little close between the 2. How is that missed so badly.
  4. Probably not. Cant show thw stadium looking pathetically empty. I've been to 2a football games with a larger attendance.
  5. Yeah... rebuilding.. Losses to a really bad FIU team and a bad Navy team and otherwise we'd be in the middle of a historical season by UNT standards. We are in the middle of a HC and several assistants learning curve type of season.
  6. Yeah... that really good FIU team. SHSU is looking for their 1st FBS win. FIU is primed to give it to them. We have pissed down our leg this football season. Well, another winnable tomorrow. Hopefully we can snag it.
  7. Yep, you got it figured out. People unhappy about UNT football are plants, because they have NO REASON to be dissatisfied.
  8. Yeah, wild. He did the same thing when he was at Oregon vs Stanford. To your question.. 8 million/yr. Lol. It's all a joke.
  9. A bunch of different looks? Uhhh... I will agree to the defense playing better than I expected, but I expected an average FCS defense. Instead, we got a very bad FBS defense. Which, to your point, is improvement.
  10. This is a residual of hiring back-to-back 7on7 head coaches. Air raid teams have always been soft. Soft on offense. Real soft on defense. It's a soft brand of football and dictates soft and finesse players. OL are always overly tall and light in the britches. WR are always just dime a dozen guys because of system. QBs are accurate in the intermediate game with relatively weak arms. Running backs are undersized waterbugs. On defense, lightly recruited players because the HC never priortizes that side of the ball. Therefore, they are almost always smaller across the board than average. Tough teams pound teams like this into submission 99/100 times, even less talented teams. The years and years and years of Texas Tech football is my reference here. We are the sufferers of philosophy.
  11. I think stickin to tailgating and hoping for the best should continue to be your thing.
  12. We can blame him for not seeing who was getting ready to bounce his head off the turf, yes. As a former starter, he should be able to see that and laugh at his HC for calling formation/passpro/play at the LOS and check into something more protecting. But getting smoked and fumbling is not his fault. Ultimately, blame falls at the feet of Eric Morris for putting his team and his QB in that position. And we damn sure should blame Eric Morris for his short yardage package, and several of his D&D playcalling throughout the game. And, of course, blaming our soft defense is still on the table.
  13. Sure. But Navy's style of play just sucks the air out of the game by nature. They took snaps away from us. Limited our chances to find a rhythm offensively, and consquentially, we never really did. None of that will show in the boxscore, but it is the reality.
  14. Well sort of... we could only get them off the field when they helped us get them off. Those solely blaming Rogers on his fumbles are ignorant to the game. The blame falls on the one calling formation/play and Rogers for not recognizing. A few things: Freaking intstall QB sneak/push from under center. Suck that air raid prideful BS ego up and do it. We lost 7 points because of the, "aIR rAiD oFfEnSeS dOnT gEt OuT oF sHoTgUn" mindset. Very similar crap happened under Littrell. This is winnable game 3 on the schedule. We are now 1-2 in those.
  15. That strip/sack was a mistake. Were standing there in empty and Navy is sitting there with show edge pressure. Coaches dont dictate a check to the sideline and Rogers doesnt recognize it and rolls with the called formation/play.
  16. With this D&D hiw in the hell are players running behind us. Ridiculous.
  17. To note: we haven't given Navy a different defensive look the entire game, as they've rushed for 300 yards in the 3rd.
  18. This feels like Navy is about to sit on this football and make this a 3 score game.
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