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Everything posted by NorthTexasWeLove

  1. Losing to HP and Mcneese is pathetic. Js. Bad scheduling = bad losses.
  2. Revenue and attendance run parallel.
  3. It certainly doesn't help. But a program ran with department motivation and support doesn't need that fluffed up empty comments on the 10 o'clock news. We don't draw because our athletic department SUCKS and has for decades.
  4. Piss on the DFW media. Tired of hearing that bullshit excuse. It's simply not true. GCU has developed an atmosphere that we envy. They have Arizona State down the road and a basketball blueblood 70 miles away. Spare us.
  5. To not hover at 5k as our avg and peak 2 or 3 times a year to 7k+ is an absolute pathetic joke and frankly people should be fired for avgeraging 3k+ and peaking to 5k, what, once? The athletic department is culpable. Some moron on here (not the person, the comment) was posting an entire thread about the "great attendance at the finale." It was 4199. Lol. They gotta be hired AD bugs.
  6. I know, right? God forbid.
  7. I'm not saying we can't. I'm just saying it's unlikely. Not true.
  8. I wouldn't call the super pit a huge pile of steaming dung. But its certainly starting to resemble fecal matter. But its depressing to see High Point dominating the arms race vs the likes of UNT and half the AAC. And it's not just HPU. It's all over the country.
  9. He 100% was implying that I go to another medium and promote North Texas athletics. A true UNT athletic department apologist. I digress. He was indeed doing that. My apologies to him.
  10. A very cool arena. We could only wish to play our games in a place as cool.as High Point University.
  11. We won't be in the ncaa tournament. Do we really think we're going to beat in order: 1. A team we struggled with at home and just lost to. 2. A UAB team we have lost to with better personnel. 3. The reg season champ with far superior personnel. Very minimal chance of running that table. We'd be doing well to play in the tournament championship.
  12. You don't defend them? Psh. Sure. But, again, Not. My. Job. I will personally not reach into any market... I will however use a modem of communication that I know is read by the people doing very poorly at THEIR jobs.
  13. Best investment Ross will ever make is to get an offensive mind on his coaching staff. Give him some of his own salary if the money isn't right for X hire. It would pay him.huge dividends in the future. Bad loss. #BasketballSchool
  14. Not my job... homie. Maybe stop defending UNT incompetence at every turn. You and that jd dude are pros at it.
  15. Great? 4199. Great?
  16. 1. Actually develop a marketing plan to get butts in seats. Then, act out that plan with tenacity. 2. Baseline seating. 3. Average 5k+
  17. Well... that loss did knock us out of the 8 bubble slots that we were squarely sitting in. If menory is right, we were in the group of next 4 out at the time of that loss. So, he's correct.
  18. W. #BasketballSchool
  19. Officials are trash. Shocked.
  20. We never make it look easy... I am convinced we would look identical playing Auburn or Tioga High.
  21. Unless you're a brand. Because you damn well know they'll sweep so as long as you redeem yourself.
  22. As was told to me: "We can't call people retarded. It's offensive. Be better, retard."
  23. Shiiii They aren't pushing for anything. This needs to be addressed by fans in all channels. Pathetic.
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