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NorthTexasWeLove last won the day on March 26

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  1. Very important. We have a recruiting/culture problem in football. It's palpable. Please don't waste money so we can "compete" and go 6-6. Just like I have beem referencing about basketball... we have to do something different... flex.
  2. It's 100%... Ok, ok...99% about paying players.
  3. Not really. We had some of the best coaching UNT basketball has ever seen. We weren't out there kicking ass and taking names in recruiting. They were methodical and looked for their type of player that fit their....say it with me.... system.
  4. Quality teams get away with not having an identity all the time because they have elite talent. Take Memphis.... 80ppg and 73ppg/allowed. One game would be guard oriented and the next would be dominated by their 2 bigs. Defense was mid, efficiency was mid, they wanted to run if they could, but then they'd play through their bigs. Their "identity" was basically having better players with very mid coaching. IOW, they didn't have an identity. They certainly are not alone.
  5. Now you're agreeing.... It is more the coaching than the recruiting. Lol
  6. They play below average defense, analytically.
  7. High Point is a basketball only school that sits in a basketball state with a state of the art arena. Utah St has everything more than us....name it....they have more of it... UABs NIL is bigger than ours as is their alum support. Temples NIL is bigger than ours as is their alum support. Utsa basketball... pretty equal in regard to resources. We probably have better resources than Mcneese (thank you student athletic fees). But you watch their conference tournament final? They have more alum support, embarrassingly. But, sure, they don't have more than we do....except they all virtually do.
  8. He does run a system. He's an offensive guy that wants to run hence why he recruits athletes.
  9. And those coaches will always recruit better than us at UNT. Andy Kennedy will always out recruit us, as will Memphis. Tony Benford was our recruiting guru in basketball. He ended up being awful. Coach O was our recruiting guru in football... lol... You are dying on this hill... this strange hill...
  10. I just think it's imperative to maintain a meaningful identity, as I've commented on a different thread.
  11. He got attacked on the defensive side of the floor pretty often. But he did improve his glaring flaw on offense, efficiency.
  12. Very easy thing to say. "Turn your back on the coaching tree that has created the most success ever seen in UNT athletics."
  13. This is where a 1v1 exit interview with Ross would pay dividends.
  14. Absolutely not. We're not running a retirement center.
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