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NorthTexasWeLove last won the day on January 27

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  1. Lol Yay... we have a do-nothing president again. Smastrek wouldn't have allowed this BS.
  2. I'm very well... that's why I have been calling for his firing. He is not the person that UNT needs. Frankly, he's the opposite.. He operates as if he comes from money, "works" just to have something to do, and has to inner drive for greatness. As I've said for a while now... he's a full shark and full sharks don't hunt.
  3. Lol Standard practice for bs luncheons.
  4. No. He absolute is not. He was quick to get on X and state there being an already scheduled "event" at the pit. Then parkourd off that platform and rolled into a safe space.
  5. It's complete insanity something so simple couldn't be taken care of. To the players and coaching staff: I am tremendously sorry. This does not reflect your fan base. To the diehard alum who have sat through 5% capacity games in the not too distant past: I hate this for you the most.
  6. I couldn't sleep. It's infuriating and I'm not even going to be able to be there. I'm upset for the players, coaches, and diehards.
  7. Should I screen grab this and post it to X while tagging Vito like a punk ass bitch or nah?
  8. Do you even hear yourself. They'd have to get overtime employees in there to work so this team, fans, alum and community could enjoy what should have been the last (earned) home game of the season... instead, our "leadership" was like, 'nah, phuck that.' You seem like a reasonable person. Your defense here is not valid.
  9. Yeah, just saw we're playing Tuesday at 8pm... Hollup... the events in question, luncheon and basketball game, aren't even on the same.day and we're giving away our quarterfinal host seat???!?!?! We are so incompetent.
  10. Wait....wtf.. I thought the luncheon was on Wednesday at 11??
  11. But still a step forward... I get it. I've only been a fan for 13 years. A lot of old timers been through the ringer around here. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Liberals, particularly liberals in academia, believe they (and their precious causes) are to be prioritized above all else. They are the types that would definitely chip off their noses in spite of their faces. That's why growing the business school at UNT is very important. Getting business minded people back to the school after their graduation is very important, but getting them attached to the athletic programs while in school is of utmost importance. It's not the fault of the people who derailed UNT or created UNT as this liberal echochamber that has shedded the school of its pride, traditions, and standard of excellence. It's the fault of the people who stood and watched.
  12. Well, start the timeline of our athletic standing from your graduation year to now. I'd say there have been gigantic changes. But the changes are often subtle with large periods of time between. But we need culture change and it will happen..
  13. Of course. There is clearly a systemic approach in maintaining like-minded people in places or hierarchical power. But, the business department is growing at an alarmingly good rate and barriers only hold for so long.
  14. It will change. Somewhere down the line the right people will finally get put into place.. Chancellor, BOR members, President and AD... it will change. Our business people are growing and that's where the change will stem from.
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