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Everything posted by NTFan11

  1. Sometimes its just so hard to keep loving my UNT. But i always will....looking forward to next year.
  2. I completely agree. To see the coordination between Tx St band, cheer, and their fans...to put it bluntly made me envious.
  3. I was at the game. Were yall at the game? Our fans were just sitting...no emotion, no fire...nothing. Not until the end of the game, kinda... This also makes me sick and tired, as well as mad.
  4. Anyone know about free parking for the game?
  5. Did i miss the post game conference???
  6. I see no fans in the stands, yet FAU is producing.....
  7. If im not a member of NT alumni. Can i still join?
  8. I have no babysitter this weekend. Can i still attend?
  9. I have never tailgated or had a tailgate. I would still like to do a tailgate. How do i go about it? Please give me all your wise advice..
  10. Did I miss the post game press conference?
  11. Do we have a section?
  12. They have never won here.....I am frustrated
  13. Awesome. As soon as they are delivered I will get them to you.
  14. Wont be able to attend after all. Want them used rather than not. Go mean green.
  15. Ive called just about every sports bar in Denton and have been told they are not showing the game
  16. Where can i watch in Denton BWW IS Telling me that dont have it.....
  17. Anyone know how many fans we are bringing.....im here at least
  18. @outoftown Which stream worked for you? I can't seem to find one.
  19. @Magic95Fan Did you go through utsa ticket office to purchase tickets?
  20. Did you ever get any info about this? I as well thought they were sending out the "souvenir tickets"
  21. I am looking for one ticket to bring my daughter with me to the game. Anyone got an extra?
  22. Anyone know where to find full-length game videos from previous football seasons? I am really wanting to watch the SMU vs UNT game from 2018. GO MEAN GREEN!
  23. Had a coworker make this for me.
  24. Is there a thread with all pro UNT Alum?
  25. Just got off my shift and see the score...there are no words
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