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Everything posted by RiseUNT

  1. If all those P5s offer and he still signs with us then yes.
  2. Can we get a summer conference realignment talk mega thread started?
  3. Mac or Sunbelt?
  4. You are correct. There are no schools even close to Denton in the MWC.
  5. Wow. Hope he goes to the final 4.
  6. If everything stays the same these are the conferences I would like to be in. Big 12 AAC CUSA Mountain West Independent In that order.
  7. No way AAC let's them keep football longer than basketball.
  8. So an unbalanced conference instead?
  9. Temple will be on an island for all Olympic sports. Tulsa is going down the money pit. ECU is not performing as expected.
  10. So is the ESPN deal even signed off on? Did they agree to pay some of the bigger money makers more? Are some of the schools signing to be locked in long term?
  11. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.courant.com/sports/hc-sp-uconn-sports-athletic-department-finances-revenue-expenses-20190117-2wdp5gimnvhlliwykl6npcmy7u-story.html%3FoutputType%3Damp&ved=2ahUKEwiJ6_qu2_3iAhVO2qwKHYGWB1wQFjAAegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw0k9Q4SdJK-PGmHk55ckuc-&ampcf=1
  12. Move Navy to East and add us to West.
  13. And if this happens CUSA needs to jump on App State.
  14. Could have sworn I called this.
  15. Covered? San Antonio? Summer? Still hot!
  16. Ya I guess he does have a point. Rico will get drafted if he can stay healthy. Fine should get drafted if he can stay healthy. We should win CUSA if we can stay healthy.
  17. He will be a 24 year old high 4 star prospect.
  18. But with the same story. Wait until February and you might have a spot.
  19. So Ohio St is the school telling him not to commit anywhere and he might have a spot in February.
  20. Now can we get a fullback type player? Blitz pickup, short yardage runs, and safety dumpoffs.
  21. The presidents and ADs need to figure something out. If everyone thinks that if they win enough they will get to a better conference then CUSA will fail!
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