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RiseUNT last won the day on March 5 2020

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About RiseUNT

  • Birthday 06/04/1986

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  1. Have it at the AAC
  2. Coach is too afraid to punt or kick fgs because his defense is bad is constantly putting his defense in bad spots and rushing them back onto the field.
  3. No. Now I’m thinking about MTSU
  4. Damn get your negative vibes out of here! Let’s go!
  5. The team that is on NCAA 25 is great. If we are anywhere close to that speed and ability we are gonna do some big things.
  6. They were 1-2 without Frank Harris. 1 was a bowl win against Marshall though.
  7. That was horrible
  8. From 2004 to 2008 I just flashed my id and got in.
  9. That’s a foul
  10. College football was fun and regional. Many people watched so companies started to pay for the product. Now we will have 4 hour games of not much action with with UCLA at Northwestern and Wake Forest at Cal in October.
  11. It’s mainly for the LV in UNLV.
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