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Everything posted by Eagle71

  1. Had to share your comment with my wife. 2505 Louise. 2nd place that my wife and I lived (early '70s) after we got married out Jr. year. Dyed blue shag carpet, paper thin walls, meanest landlord ever, and you didn't dare leave anything outside. Memories....not good ones...but it built character. Then we moved to 910 Eagle and never had it so good.
  2. Happy New Year to everyone in our "Mean Green Family". Let's all "Fly Like An Eagle" in 2019!
  3. Agreed! It would be another nice wrinkle that the defense would have to be aware of. "I want our offense to confuse and frustrate our opponent. If you can get a football player on the football field and have him not know for sure what he is supposed to be doing, then you have created a big advantage." Hank Stram, KC Chiefs
  4. WOW!!!! HUGE GET for the Mean Green!!!!! Beat out TT, Indiana, Kansas, Utah and 14 others! Khatib Lyles WR 6'2" - 6'3", 190 - 200lbs, 4.59 .8463!!! ***
  5. Now that's MEAN GREEN! Fly Like An Eagle!
  6. Updated look at the 2019 class.
  7. Now 3 star at .8019 5'10" 190 4.54 We might have stolen one here.
  8. Notice that his rating dropped from .8300 to.8206 during the day. Collusion.
  9. Carry on my wayward sonFor there'll be peace when you are done
  10. 6'3" 180lbs 4.5. Nice West Texas 6A find by the coaching staff.
  11. Wearing grey feels like a missed opportunity to look SHARP! Green, White, Black...NO grey, ever!
  12. Voted. Looks like Uncle Miltie added +893 votes since midnight and we only added +57. Semifinal round ends tomorrow at noon. We're under attack...All hands on deck this evening!!!!!!
  13. Thought I'd look in my "Football Coaching" textbook from my 1968 Football Coaching class at NTSU and see what Coach John McKay had to say.
  14. We're makin' the drive. Goin' to the game. Cheerin' for our team. Hopin' the guys play two halves and "Light The Tower!" Stayin' overnight. Headin' back home Friday. Life is good. Even better when we win! Fly Like An Eagle!
  15. Liberty Christian School, Argyle CB/WR 5'11' 175 4.5 .8333 Other offers: Rhode Island, Southern Miss., Texas State, Tulsa, UTSA
  16. Uncle Miltie just added 856 votes between 12:30 and 1:15 this afternoon.
  17. 2 computers = 2 email accounts = 2 votes. Recruiting non-Alabama and non-Okie friends and family members.
  18. Jahari Rogers - ATH-QB-CB 6'0 170 4.4 Offers from Baylor, Arkansas, LaTech, Louisville https://247sports.com/Player/Jahari-Rogers-46057921/
  19. Find a spot for this guy!
  20. "Though he be but little, he is fierce. That’s Shakespeare, boys, Shakespeare." Tobey Maguire as Red Pollard – “Seabiscuit” November 1, 1938 – Pimlico Race Course – Match of the Century There was a time when the people were depressed about their circumstances and surroundings. They saw no hope for the future. But in the midst of that depression, a handful of people came together and saw the future in an athlete. A thoroughbred considered too small by all others to compete at the highest level of his sport. But they saw what others did not. They saw that he had the heart of a champion. And throughout the land, others began to hear of his accomplishments and they, too, began to believe and cheer for him, knowing that he was the best. Heart of a Champion Mason Fine 2019 Heisman
  21. Hit 20,000 tonight!
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