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Everything posted by peanuts104

  1. He talked about von Grote in a presser or some media, I think before the season started. I don't have the source but I'm sure it is out there somewhere.
  2. He's listed. Eric also praised freshman van von(my bad) Grote who is still here supposedly. Edit2: von Grote has some pretty damn good tape https://www.hudl.com/profile/14842104/Tom-Von-Grote
  3. That's what he's done all along
  4. Fair. I don't know what you do except maybe fine the players. HINT HINT. IF YOU'RE GETTING BOKU DOLLARS YOU MIGHT GET FINED
  5. fixed, thank you
  6. fixed Rod is a stalwart and Peterson, you will do well here.
  7. I saw 10 and though red.
  8. Lower right is Sheffield and Oscar right? I'll fix it if I'm wrong.
  9. Defectors have recourse. They can be in the good graces again if they come back.
  10. of seeing this. So I fixed it probably.
  11. F*ck em. If they won't support us then f*ck em. Simple as that.
  12. Yes it did. And it did last year. And players told to leave aren't a bad thing imo.
  13. Of course, and any of our portal guys can be back in fans good graces if they make the right choice and stay. But until such a time, git out.
  14. That's rich coming from you
  15. all the portal guys have a very nice go **** themselves edit:
  16. He was recruited for the 3-3-5 though. Scheme may have something to do with it.
  17. https://meangreensports.com/sports/football/roster/carson-woods/6814
  18. If I'm not mistaken, mean green to the moon is involved in one of the NIL funds
  19. Dude dropped like half the passes that went his way. What a tool.
  20. Oops, I don't know why I thought he played more his junior year.
  21. He was starting QB his junior year, then a big time transfer came in during his senior season. never mind i was wrong https://www.maxpreps.com/tx/austin/vandegrift-vipers/athletes/drew-mestemaker/football/stats/?careerid=epmv9s350cg22
  22. I will bitch and shit talk them all I want thank you very much. **** you Chandler
  23. This board has a magical way of speaking things into existence.
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