ESPN has updated their predictions for how they think we will matchup against each team (win percentage). They are:
Vs Lamar: 90.4%
@ SMU: 18.6%
@ Iowa: 5.8%
Vs UAB: 63.5%
@ Southern Miss: 25.9%
Vs UTSA: 47.2%
@ FAU: 27.7%
Vs ODU: 45.2%
@ LA Tech: 21.3%
Vs UTEP: 69%
Vs Army: 28.5%
@ Rice: 44.5%
So there are 3 games where we are outright favored (us by more than 10%): Lamar, UAB, and UTEP
3 Toss up games (within 10%): UTSA, ODU, and Rice
3 Possible games (at least 25% chance): Army, Southern Miss, and FAU.
3 long shots (less than 25%): Iowa, SMU, and LA Tech.
I think our best chance to win in the possible category would be FAU.
Best chance in long shot would be: SMU
Best chance in toss up: Rice
Game we're most likely to squander: UTEP.
Also of note before the season started last year we were only favored in 1 game (BC) and had much lower chances in all other games.