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About gmg147

  • Birthday 05/15/1991

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  • Home
    North Texas
  • Interests
    UNT Football, Lake Life, Any Excuse to Fire up the Grill/Smoker

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  1. So glad to see him step up. Is he eligible to play beyond this year?
  2. Skip the middle 2.5 quarters 😂
  3. I questioned for a while why unt and fau would be on espn2. However the weather made it a great game and I'm glad it was in national TV. GMG!
  4. Hey everyone, It's been a while since I have made it out to a game regularly but I'm excited to be going to the Homecoming game this weekend. Does anyone have an idea of what activities will be going on prior to Kickoff or can provide me a link to where that info is held? I am most interested in the hours of the alumni pavilion and what time the parade will start. Thank you!
  5. I did a search on the forums but could not find the answer. Thanks in advance!
  6. Take the freaking points! Did they learn nothing from last week?
  7. Personally, I'd rather see the bowl game local for attendance reasons. I'd probably make the drive to Shreveport, but definitely wouldn't be able to make it to NM.
  8. I was just about to post the same article! It was a great read.
  9. But people most people are going to make plans ahead of time. I know the day before the national weather service was predicting 100% chance of thunderstorms all the way through to about 6 or 7 pm. I am one of those people that did not attend. At kickoff, I was kicking myself for not going.
  10. Haha. Beats the hell out of the porta-potties on the hill and at Fouts
  11. If you are an active alumni member, show your card or give name for them look up in system. If you are not an active alumni member, it is only $10/person and the restrooms are worth that for sure!
  12. TEXAS!
  13. What is your go to "good luck" beer? Mine was the Audacity (fellow UNT Alumni) Battle flag pale ale. Since they've closed their doors I have moved on to the F5 Tornado by Co-op, but it's no longer sold in the stadium and I only have 1 Audacity left.
  14. Agreed. I bet most fans of the sport would too. Something fun about football in the snow that isn't present for snow in heavy rainfall.
  15. That MTSU game was one of the best! Other than the band, the stands were empty. We absolutely murdered MTSU. Had a great time tailgating and celebrating in that rain that day/night!
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