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Everything posted by DentonLurker

  1. I'm not sure Kliff's seat was ever as hot as people liked to pretend. Tech fans still love him and he's one of their own. IMO, it would have taken a disaster to get him ousted.
  2. Boo! I’m sad they left Russell!
  3. Meh, attendance struggles everywhere when it rains. You guys are being overly optimistic about what it's like at the "big programs." I've been to a game in the rain at DKR in Austin against Iowa State with about 20K actual bodies in attendance. I expect attendance at this game to be lower 20's, despite the weather.
  4. I think our defense needs to really step up and have a big game to get some confidence back. If La Tech converts 1 or 2 of those 4 first half field goals, that La Tech game wouldn't have even been that close. UTEP's offense is bad and they put up 24 on us. This week needs to be the get your *ss in gear week for the defense.
  5. Did you read the note at the bottom? You do realize this is not the main ticket site, right?
  6. What a difference a president and BOR willing to invest in Athletics makes!
  7. Defense continues to give up long drives, but holds UTEP to FG's like last week. Final ends up being NT 38- UTEP 15
  8. Mention of other head coaches in Texas being involved. Herman, Withers, etc. LINK TO ESPN
  9. Depends on the type of weather. I've been to a UT game with less than 40K in a 100K stadium because it was raining.
  10. I have confidence that a lot of the issues can be worked out. You have to remember that until you actually have 30k people in the building, it's hard to know exactly how things are going to look/work when everyone tries to leave at once. Since this game was close until the very end, that contributed to most of those 30k being there until the end. Normally, people trickle out during the second half so there's not 30k heading out at the same time. I think some of the Blue lot issues had to do with the fact that until this year this lot was just never that full, due to not publicly selling access to these lots. This has contributed to not having the last 7 years to help work through this issue.
  11. There was a thread about this Saturday night/Sunday morning.
  12. We arrived right at 6 and there were very few spots left in the Blue Lot so it definitely filled up. We came on the NT Blvd side. The issue we had getting in was people in line who didn't have parking passes. Where they were scanning passes was so far down the road that cars were having to figure out how to do a complete U-turn on a two lane road. That being said, we still got in relatively smoothly. I wish they would make the road that runs past the pond/hill from NT Blvd 3 lanes (2 in, 1 out pre-game). Having two lanes scanning passes would certainly speed things up. Exiting the Bonnie Brae side took some time, but honestly, it didn't seem that ridiculous compared to other venues I've been to.
  13. I guess I just can't relate to that. My excitement or desire to see a game has never been contingent upon who's injured or not.
  14. Clearly injuries are the same as who's on the team or in the 2-deep...
  15. I wonder if UNT could front the cash to complete the part by Mean Green Village now and have Denton pay them back in 2021 or whenever the city will actually get to that part?
  16. The other missing point is that it was some combo of coaches and players. Look, we all know Seth will fall on this sword, but the truth is coaches made some mistakes and players made some mistakes. That’s how Football goes. At the end of the day it was a loss and it’s time to hit reset!
  17. Why, as a fan, do you need minute by minute updates on injuries? Not knowing a player’s injury status has no influence on my support of this team. Im all for keeping that information out of the press. Opponent coaches don’t need to know that either.
  18. I wish there was a feature that allowed us to vote to lock a thread...
  19. Some of you are being such dramatic little kids about this. I brought a first time attendee with no ties to UNT except he lives in Corinth. He had a great time and walked away talking about wanting to come again, and he’s not really even a sports guy. Building a program takes time and if you thought a 4-0 start cured past years of apathy at UNT, you’re not paying attention to how other programs were built. Does it sting? Sure. Is it the downfall of trying to rebuild this program? Heck no!
  20. Looks nice, but are those desk chairs? They seem out of place.
  21. Paying players is a bit of a toss up for me. I'd like to see someone actually do the research to figure out a lot of the details, kind of like what Withers940 mentioned above. The thing I'd like to see changed right away is a player's ability to sell things unique to them. For example, if people are willing to pay Mason Fine $100 to sign a football, I think he should be able to do that. It's his signature, not UNT's, not the NCAA's, etc. Same goes for if Mason Fine can market himself to Wheaties and end up getting paid to be on a box of Wheaties, I think he should be able to be paid for that. Just my 2 cents.
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