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Everything posted by shootermcgavin44

  1. Why rewatch?
  2. You think ripping the refs will make the situation better?
  3. Attendance is embarrassing
  4. Must of stayed home to watch the end of OU/Texas
  5. Go all black or no black. Agree green on green would look good for this game.
  6. Lol quite the impressive list
  7. take away the wing and such a huge difference. please feel free to message me
  8. 12 years ago when the transfer took place, the former Liberty campus was incredibly run down. What they have done with the basketball facility is nice and the volleyball arena is ok, but the rest of the infrastructure over there is terrible.
  9. http://www.stadiumjourney.com/stadiums/apogee-stadium-s1355/ http://www.stadiumjourney.com/stadiums/gerald-j.-ford-stadium-s415 Liberty still has facilities off of bonnie brae?
  10. apogee is better than ford? apogee = allen isd stadum but not closed in
  11. Our athletic facilities were slapped together on a make shift TAAPS school and a dilapidated golf course , how do you know facilities didn't play a role in why he chose SMU
  12. Is that a very outlandish claim in tech goes 5-7?
  13. I first saw Graham in the early 2000's winning at Texas Stadium and he's done nothing but win since then BTG calm down bro
  14. Tech is so tired of Coach Bro. SL doesn't want to be here long term, he's out as fast as possible for Big 12 school
  15. Down vote all you want. 8 wins and he's outta here so fast scrappy's head will spin
  16. Good win, but tap the breaks. 3 wins away form a bowl and got blown out by SMU. Let's tap the breaks LOL if beating Southern Miss is like winning the super bowl
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