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Everything posted by shootermcgavin44

  1. Jeanne Sutherland‏@golfjeanne North Texas game ops is the worst I've ever seen! Have you ever hosted a game? No signs, long lines, horrible ops!
  2. Early-Age Retirement Eligibility If you do not meet the normal-age service retirement requirements, then to be eligible for early-age service retirement, you must meet one of the following conditions: •you are at least age 55 with five or more years of service credit but do not meet the Rule of 80, •you have at least 30 years of service credit, do not meet the Rule of 80, and are less than age 62, or •you meet the Rule of 80 (your age and years of service credit total at least 80) with at least five years of service credit but you are less than age 62. If you apply for early-age service retirement, your annuity will be calculated according to the standard annuity benefit formula in effect when you retire, but the annuity amount will be actuarially reduced for early age to reflect that you will receive retirement benefits earlier than if you waited to reach normal-age service retirement eligibility. Early-Age TRS uses the following formula to calculate a normal-age monthly standard annuity: 1.Average of Highest Five* Annual Salaries (based on creditable compensation) = Average Salary 2.Total Years of Service Credit x 2.3% (multiplier) = Total % 3.Total % x Average Salary = Annual Annuity 4.Annual Annuity ÷ 12 = Monthly Standard Annuity
  3. Normal Age Retirement For persons who became members of TRS prior to September 1, 2007, had at least five years of service credit on August 31, 2014, and maintain membership until retirement, the following eligibility requirements must be met to qualify for normal age retirement: Age 65 with five or more years of service credit, or Any combination of age and service totaling 80 with at least five years of service credit. For persons who first became members or returned to membership on or after September 1, 2007, but prior to September 1, 2014, had at least five years of service credit on August 31, 2014, and maintain membership until retirement, the following eligibility requirements must be met to qualify for normal age retirement: Age 65 with five or more years of service credit, or At least age 60, meets the Rule of 80 (combined age and years of service credit equal at least 80), and have at least five years of service credit
  4. Still waiting on you to answer who our #1 main rival should be professor... SMU just makes way too much sense for someone as smart at you. Florida Atlantic? Old Dominion? Charlotte?
  5. So make TCU our main rival? TCU > SMU > UNT, that's your formula right professor?
  6. Your logic makes zero sense. You want to play TCU but if TCU doesn't care about SMU why would they care about us? UNT fans loathe SMU, that is without a doubt should be our #1 rival. Since you are so brilliant, who exactly should be our rivial? Rice? Utep? UTSA?
  7. SMU is our biggest rival without question. Much more fired up to play them then when UTEP or UTSA roll into town.
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