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Everything posted by baberuthbomber8

  1. Thanks for confirming that. I do like the idea of having them compete for the title "QB of the Future."
  2. I think he will come in most likely play that Rover spot
  3. If he elects to come to UNT, would he have to sit out 1 full year(say he doesn't pick a school till 3/4 weeks from now), or would it just be for this entire 2016-2017 season, then be all systems go for 2017-2018?
  4. I don't think its inaccurate, I think something changed along the way... I thought Billy or JayD said that they had info about Derricott and him confirmed that he was coming to UNT... Derricott also told Vito that, along Ek was following him as well(along with multiple players and UNT students), I'm guess he was a backup plan for us or he couldn't met the standards to get into UNT. Now Derricott could be lying, but I don't think it was a lie, and its far easier for UNT to express no interest for both sides.
  5. I think I know the answer to this, but I will ask it.. If we were to red-shirt Fine, is he able to still practice during the year(I'm assuming he would be able to, just not play in a game unless we burn his RS).. As much as I would like to have Fine RS and have him start 4 years nonstop, it would be nice if we he were able to play and we knew for sure next year he was our QB for the next 3/4 years
  6. SL also confirmed Haynes and Johnson will not be on the team, nor will Dvonta the LB from Eastern Kentucky
  7. Since these guys are now on campus, are we allowed to now offer them scholly's? or do we have to wait till further into the process?
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  8. English is on the Roster, but from what I have read, he most likely will not play this year.. but thats just what i have gathered from posts on here and Vito..
  9. Shouldn't take that long for them to process everything... I just transferred back to UNT and did the application/got accepted/orientation all this past week... Applied Monday afternoon, got accepeted Wednesday and did orientation on friday(pretty sure i saw the LB Peters as well).. So no Johnson or Haynes for sure? damn
  10. the last that i had heard, English would must likely have to sit out this year, but he would then get an extra year added on for the hardship.. I took it to mean that NCAA now instead of given the player a year now, they do it later even if its for valid reasons... which to me seems unfair to me.
  11. Also, the LB that we got from Eastern Kentucky isn't there either, D'Vonta Derricott.. Now with these guys possibly taken classes this summer, I'm assuming that they can still be added? or do we know for sure that they aren't wont be here?
  12. Can we all agree we would love to see SL become our Gary Patterson, someone who takes us from nothing to one of the best football conferences and stays the entire time..
  13. add them? I'm guessing that this means add them to the official roster on the team website i'm assuming?
  14. I"m guessing we wont get confirmation about the remaining JUCO guys like Johnson, Haynes, Turner, etc till camp starts?
  15. If this kid becomes something it maybe nice give us the leg up... Brain-wash him starting early and make it so that for 2/3 years he comes to games/thinks or dreams about playing at UNT etc.. then by his JR/SR year maybe that helps us over bigger schools if he does become a top qb..
  16. With the old staff, would we send out offers like this? I do like this, a few other SEC schools do this with offers as well Also, dont know much about the school but the kid def. can run the slat and get a lot of RAC yardage... Like it
  17. yea saw that at the very end... hope he can figure it out and just stay determined... Also i saw that RB Law, signed with UAB.. i haven't seen if he will make it to campus.
  18. Benford added alot of talent to this team I thought? I just worry someone like Frazier will ball out this year, we go to the dance lose in round 1, then we extend benford for a few years and we are back in this hole all over again.
  19. Agreed with you never beating fry, its hard to believe that the Athletic Department doesn't have some form of a taxi service for student athletes.. If anything he could have called a coach or something...
  20. Our D should be ahead of our Offense I believethis year
  21. @BillySee58 Thanks for the reply. Thats what I was figuring.
  22. I understand UNT wanting to do this in Denton, but would have been great to do it in Dallas at the Ticket, but i guess that was out the window with Hank getting passed over.. I say this because we only had 1 reporter at this, and would have been great to of even had UNT had the Dallas Morning News, and Star Telegram as well(Even if it means paying for a bit of space in the sports section)... Plus if we had done it on The Ticket, more alumni would have heard it bet.
  23. I haven't been around long, but here is a Question for the recuiting guys.. These QBs that we have offered to and gone to bigger schools like Utah, Iowa, A&M, Norte Dame.. Did we ever have a real chance at them, or was the tweeting out just a way to say hey I got another offer or something? Last question, does it seem as if we have moved up/had more interest by QBs with GH and SL? I know QBs like those name and could be waiting to see the offense produce.
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