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Everything posted by brooks91

  1. So while I'm twiddling my thumbs waiting for the Superbowl to start, I was reading through the threads about increasing interest through regional opponents in a regional conference. I think another way of doing this are rivalries and the lack thereof at UNT. We have SMU for however long that will last, and UTSA is slowly emerging as a conference rival but I think another option could be Texas State. TS and UTSA are reviving their "I-35" rivalry in 2017 and I was thinking why not hop on board. With the amount of alumni the schools are pumping out I think it could work. The 3 teams could play each other each year and hell, let's go all out and throw in a trophy naming the King (or prince. UT, Baylor, and TCU would attest) of 35. I think that would spark more interest than our FCS games and the drives would make nice weekend trips for the alumni. I've done it once for UTSA and also for the UT game, which I was pleasantly surprised at the mean green turnout, and enjoyed it both times.
  2. These names sound like a list to a ww2 vocabulary test.
  3. Someone tell that guy on twitter that's putting down UNT to check national program rankings before saying texas state is a better school.
  4. This was my daily life in college.
  5. Someone tell coach to wear more green on his next trip!
  6. Was just about to say that. What was their pitch? "Last year, we didn't have a singe loss!"
  7. Agree. I think BYU is logical. Someone from the acc is smart for WVU but not sure Louisville will since the big 12 passed on them during the last realignment. Anyone think A&M will come back after getting beat up in the SEC?
  8. I read another suggestion of doing a 6 team playoff. #1 & 2 would get a bye the first round and then 3-6 and 4-5 would play to get the final four. They were discussing how Stanford and Ohio state would've done this year instead of OU and MSU.
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