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Everything posted by p_phelps

  1. Sit on the home side 2nd level.. I used to sit 1st row and that's cool but 2nd level you can see everything and is a better experience I feel. Glad to have you and hope.to see you at more than just the home opener. Go mean green!
  2. I'd doubt anything tonight... Kids usually post when the most people will see it on Twitter. I'm looking tomorrow and I think it's gonna be Gaddie but that's a complete guess
  3. Kid has violent hands but clearly lacks technique and polish. He will benefit greatly from a red shirt year to put on good weight and learn technique. He's raw but I think he will be my pet cat of the class so far! Signs of future star written all over him. Also those who like the star system ( me included) according to OK preps has Mr. Roland the #3 best DL in the state but 247 hasn't rated him yet however they have rated Eijay Manual a 3* and OK prep has him the 9th best in Oklahoma. So Mr. Roland should be rated a decently high 3* by that logic.
  4. Broken Arrow pipeline!
  5. I think Tech and ok.st will be in the coaching market this year, so we'll see. Hopefully SL name is brought up. That means on field success.
  6. Literally the only thing good about Kansas football is it's in a P5 conference.. No way he even considers this job. There will be much better ones that will have interest in him.
  7. hope so... need coach bro to keep his job so they don't sniff around SL
  8. 247 has 100% to North Texas predicted
  9. Yeah that Oklahoma St offer was trash.. am I right..
  10. with the offer list on most of the kids we've gotten ... absolutely we're recruiting better.
  11. I'm pumped to see so many on here making the trip. This will be my first out of town trip since we opened at TU in austin a few years back. Hoping this is a much better outcome. I'll wait for the AD to release the tickets so at least my $$ goes to the school.
  12. So I'm making the trip to see the biggest win in the SL this upcoming season. Looking at tickets, where is the visitor seating? And where are you guys buying tickets, I've been looking at stubhub.
  13. Would be my favorite pickup right with the Murphy twins
  14. I feel like we've gotten way more size this class than previous recent ones ! Love it, we need to get bigger overall
  15. So not tonight?
  16. bummer I was hopeful it was him
  17. hmmmmm.....
  18. I wanted this one.. bummer... Need more big guys in the trenches.
  19. as in the next few days or over the next few months?
  20. good get for them. mich st offer left on the table
  21. https://247sports.com/Player/Oscar-Adaway-46050884/ 247 has him predicted to unt @ 100%
  22. Twins! Both 3star
  23. Let's go!!!!
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