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Everything posted by MeanGreen22

  1. South Alabama camera crew about as good as our defense
  2. This offense is so perfect. Just an average defense puts us competing for a conference championship.
  3. Morris to Caponi: “No your D is perfect. The good ones hurt”
  4. Uh idk who our kicker is but he’s… bad
  5. Thankfully on defense, those next men up are freshmen/sophomores that showed promise last year. On offense, it’s Wyatt Young szn.
  6. LOVE this. Go splurge on that $40+ shirt. Promise it’s going to look better and last longer than that $20 shirt.
  7. ‪UNT had 21k people show up next home game after losing to FIU. Marshall had 22k after beating Virginia Tech AT HOME. ‬ ‪But regardless. Stone had the chance to lock up QB1 for the foreseeable future and didn’t take advantage. Truly hope he does if/when he gets the chance at Marshall. He’s a fun watch. ‬
  8. I’d love to participate in something like this but $1000 per person is steep for a golf scramble. $250/pp and I could get a team together easy.
  9. If his last name wasn't Witten, you would have no idea this kid existed. He was unrated with his best offer being Rice but once he committed, got a 86. Sure.
  10. Not sure about video but they do post them as podcasts under The Official Mean Green Podcast. Posted today.
  11. Agreed on that. It's definitely a positive for them in the long run.
  12. I keep seeing them throw out the combined endowment numbers as if the athletic program will get to touch any of the UT Health SA money.
  13. What exactly are you looking for? We will all find out here in about 10 days how they’ll look.
  14. I think their weekly commentary about each game is fun. I enjoy those pods. Team by team breakdown is kinda ehh. Just impossible to be plugged in enough to be accurate on 130+ teams.
  15. I’ve listened to these guys before. For G5 programs, not worth the listen. I don’t think they learned until recently that Aune wasn’t the QB last year.
  16. As someone who has seen Buzzballz in stores for a long time, usually collecting dust on a gas station shelf, I’m really curious what happened to make them take off recently like this. Cool to see it was a local that started the business.
  17. Athletic department.
  18. Tuesday at 6p in Bartonville is a tough ask.
  19. My issue is that every Nike team has the same uni. Copy/paste the template then add a logo to the collar. I liked the subtly of the previous green jerseys. Mean Green across the front with a feather design in the numbers which only really becomes notable on close ups. If the only thing that changed was the color going to Kelly Green, I would have given this an A++. Overall, they’re fine. But like you said, establish an identity and stick with it. If they’re going to stick with this color/style for a while, I’m cool with that.
  20. New ones are fine. Old ones had more uniqueness to them though.
  21. They should’ve kept the spikes but got rid of the contrasting collar color
  22. They’re revealing new unis tomorrow.
  23. Looking forward to purchasing a used one in 5+ years lol
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