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Everything posted by Eagleisland

  1. I was there with two North Texas alums and a UT alum. The paper estimated at least 10,000 Mean Green fans in attendance. Later on, my UT friend who was an Austin attorney and well connected with the big donors told me that one of them asked the referee about the last bogus T.D. that "gave" UT the game. He told my friend, Jim, that the referee grinned at him and told him that the UT player was in the end zone by "this much".....making a hook-em sign. Even the Austin media admitted that we were robbed.
  2. Not a simple yes or no. Stars are important in that they reflect the general consensus on various recruits. However, as in poker, even the best hole cards lose sometimes, and what you do with your cards is almost as important as what you hold. So, yes, I would rather than pocket aces versus 2-7 offsuit, but sometimes the aces lose even to the worst hands. Sometimes, 5 stars flop because of attitude or other issues and sometimes 1 and 2 star recruits end up playing in the NFL....but overall, I would take 4 or 5 stars over 1 or 2 stars given a choice.
  3. Good. Never hurts to have competition at the QB position. Will he qualify as a freshman?
  4. When i was growing up in Austin, UT had what they called "the knot hole section" in the end zone, where students from grade school through high school could get into games with a student id for a ridiculously cheap price. I saw many a game there as a child and it always had a good turn out. My father would simply drop my friends and I off at the gate and in we would go for a evening of football. Maybe, North Texas could have something like that.....if they already do not have it.
  5. Yep. I knew that Newman was out of his league when he revoked the offer to Spud. A really stupid decision if there ever were one.
  6. Here is more info. http://www.ncsasports.org/football-recruiting/texas/willis/willis-high-school/jake-jones25
  7. I wish him all the best there.
  8. Good article. I want to see Woolridge and Simmons work on free throw shooting during the off season. Could make a big difference in our win-loss record for next season.
  9. Nice to have some perspective on the attendance.
  10. Hard not to see hope with this team. They should be even better next year.
  11. A number of uncommitted linemen and skill players left on the Houston area top-100 list, however, do not know their academic status or what schools are pursuing them.
  12. Well as it is said: "Pride goeth before a fall" and as the ancient Greeks said (loosely translating): "Hubris will bite you in the as*".
  13. I agree. 6:00 is a little early for early September. 7:00 would be much better for any game at least through the first three weeks of the month.
  14. Best part: 2-0 in conference and 2-0 in conference road games!
  15. Nine bowls so far this season have had less attendance then this year's maligned by some New Orleans Bowl. These are the Cure Bowl in Orlando, the Carmillla Bowl in Montgomery, the Frisco Bowl. the Bahamas Bowl, Gasparilla Bowl in St. Petersburg, the Idaho Potato Bowl in Boise, the Hawaii Bowl, the Heart of Dallas Bowl and the Quick Lane Bowl in Detroit.
  16. Absolutely, no all-time list would be complete without Willie Davis.
  17. Again, we do not know how many are going on their own. In the former New Orleans Bowl games, many more students came on their own than with the buses.
  18. That is what happened in the prior New Orleans Bowl games. A number of students made their own arrangements and a number of people were walk-up or late ticket buyers. So we can hope that trend continues for this bowl game.
  19. 2....my wife and I
  20. Big win indeed. I really like what I see from McCasland and this team!
  21. In any case, Moore was robbed.
  22. Shreveport or New Orleans? Sorry, but I will gladly take New Orleans.
  23. You are welcome to your opinion. As for me, we are heading to New Orleans to support our team and have a very good time.
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