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Everything posted by AustinTalon

  1. Going to the Austin watching party. Hope to see other fans there.
  2. Excellent work guys and gals!
  3. As we we were watching the OU massacre at a sports bar down here in Austin, we we're more than happy to cheer on stAte. Awesome game! The bar got awfully quiet now and then...
  4. Nice! I'm loading up on Kool-Aid...
  5. Austin folks should be able to catch the game at Legend's at 183 and Mo-Pac, attached to the Holiday Inn Northwest.
  6. I have two OU tickets on will call. Things fell apart this morning with my nephew and I don't want to make the trip from Austin by myself. Please e-mail me if possible and I'll have the tickets put in your name. (I would feel better if I could recover at least some of the cost )
  7. Ticket office called me yesterday and asked if I wanted them FedEx'd to Austin or in will call up in Norman. I picked will call since I'd probably forget them.
  8. I bought a ticket but since I have a competition around noon in Austin, I won't make it there in time. Anyone want my ticket?
  9. Have we ever had white helmets before? I'm shocked.
  10. yes, and yes. see original post, thanks for shopping.
  11. updated, see original post, enjoy.
  12. Hopefully more to follow. Two versions, three resolutions to meet the desktop needs of the Mean Green faithfull: 1024x768 with schedule or without 1280x1024 with schedule or without 1440x900 with schedule or without
  13. It's a totally from-scratch typeface. The professor (Ligon) who led the design specializes in typeface design. All of the lettering lives as vector (Adobe Illustrator) artwork. Last summer I heard plan was to render the typeface as an actual font file, so it may already exist as an electronic font. Name unknown, maybe MeanGreenDork has some insight?
  14. Didn't get any more ideas, but I added a little extra to the typography, also showing how the logo would work in different colors. If the school would be open to having some gray as a secondary color, it would add a little depth. I'll send you a PDF.
  15. Smitty may have more time to develop an actual panther, but in 30 minutes or so, this is what came out:
  16. I'll give you that, but I still maintain Eppy needs an escort to keep the kids from ripping you to shreds!
  17. For Homecoming, the Cannon Crew Chair was kind enough to allow an alum to run the flag. It would be nice if Eppy could make a reliable appearance every Homecoming. As ugly as Eppy is, the kids love that bird! Just be sure you have someone to escort Eppy, I happen to know that bird has vision problems.
  18. Haven't been at work since Friday — we're getting cabin fever. It's finally going to get above freezing today (as in 33-ish). More Austin ice photos
  19. Full-time Web guy at a state university in Austin that barely beat a 6-6 team todayWord-of-mouth freelance web/graphic designerPart-time grad student, UT School of Information (using staff education benefit)Wushu/Kung fu studentDabble in photographyMean Green fan
  20. I respect elliot's objectivity. Perhaps we should take time to cater to the casual observer and tone down our unhealthy infatuation with UNT's athletic endeavors:
  21. Maybe something front-back so North Texas or Mean Green can appear on the back?
  22. Absolutely wonderful game experience. I sat the first half on the student side and had a great time, then I sat on the alum side and had a great time. I am thankful to be a Mean Green fan. I was a little disappointed with the attendance of Mean Green fans, was thinking more Baylor-sized. I was very disappointed with SMU attendance. Why so low? I was embarrassed for SMU when the band came out. FFRick, great work on the carrige, I hope to learn more about it next time. Great crowd at the tower after the game. In my day, a turn out like that was a dream. I'm impressed the Talons continue the Boom-a-laka tradition. Fun. Beat Tulsa.
  23. East bound and down, loaded up and truckin', we're gonna do what they say can't be done.
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