Yes, the initial beatings would be thorough and decisive, however simply being in the conference would make us a far more attractive destination for top local talent. Yes, I will acquiest that Baylor, being in the Big 12, did not help it. But, what we do offer beyond Baylor (and it's not being the FBS equivalent of Mos Eisley as a haven of all the villainy of the college football galaxy) is a legitimate collegiate experience, something that had hindered Baylor in the years prior to the coach who's name escapes me time current. So, the improvement that would be made would be quick. I think what would ultimately hinder us is the fact that we would not be able to upgrade our facilities to meet the minimum stadium capacity- almost exclusively due to resistance from the "alternative" student population that would protest. You know, the ones that make our school look like the real life version of PCU (which is a great movie if you haven't seen it."