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Everything posted by UNTDoc

  1. Surely at some point that clown will be crowd sourced right?
  2. I do know who I am. Screw the land thieves. I hope they never win another football game. Still want Trevor Knight.
  3. I hope he has the TD play in the playbook
  4. Gets it, this man does.
  5. We've managed to find coal coming from HS and FBS too. Guess who found them both? Why do you think RV hiring an FBS coach increases the probability of us finding a diamond? Edit: And, given the number of FBS jobs available and the relative stature of our job, do you think its reasonable that we will be able to lure an FBS coach away from any program?
  6. 1-11? Making a prediction about the outcome of the UTEP game there Vito?
  7. Douchey gif is douchey.
  8. Maybe we should fund a "John Williams for AD" billboard...
  9. i haz the confuse
  10. At this point I'd be happy to win 6 games a year.
  11. You might be, but you can bet that Fritz isn't.
  12. Misleading thread title is misleading
  13. I'm in. I think billboards will get more sustained viewership and leave a more lasting impression. I will gladly donate again, ESPECIALLY after RV's quotes in the NT Daily article.
  14. So let me get this straight. It seems as if both of these jokers are apathetic about RV's job performance as it pertains to falling donation levels, decreased fan attendance, and diminishing alumni engagement? Sounds like we have top notch leadership.
  15. Irrespective of the factual inaccuracies, this pleases me.
  16. I'll put my money where my mouth is. I will write RV a letter of apology for the banner and praise him for bringing in a coach who has consistently shown the ability to win. I will join the MGC and buy season tickets (which I have never done). Here's the thing - as I have said several times - I don't think Fritz is coming. It is far too lateral of a move. If you look at his career, it just isn't something he does. I would love to get him here, but very strongly doubt it happens.
  17. I definitely disagree. Would you rather have REAL name recognition, or someone who knows how to win? Would you say McCarney had better name recognition than Fritz? How'd that turn out? In the interest of full disclosure I got my undergrad at SHSU and I've been a Fritz fan for a long time. I think he would be a home run here.
  18. Revolver Blood and Honey - 12 UTSA/UNT - ?
  19. I hope they don't win a football game for a decade.
  20. We UNT or we UTSA? At this point I'm confused.
  21. your avatar gave me eye aids
  22. Keep Stillwater in your thoughts and prayers
  23. I sure hope it wouldn't take that long to say, "you're fired."
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