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Everything posted by WestTexasEagle

  1. "Just win baby" - everything else will solve itself.
  2. The way this defense is playing I wish Chizik had been an option for UNT... They are sticky... I'd wait if we have to... Having a HC who helped push a basketball school into the playoffs would be great for recruiting!
  3. just hate they said "he's going to try and turn around".....
  4. Great play calling and execution on that TD! Hope that's a window to our future. It was balanced yet unpredictable.
  5. I'm just so happy that at the last minute they didn't suprise us by going with a special teams coach out of Monahans TX. Seriously, I feel good about this hire. Good things are to come....season tickets in 2016 for me - YES! - 'drinking the juice'
  6. Ready to get to the next chapter
  7. Meacham is too classy... TCU still has bowl game... He has time for goodbyes.
  8. I didn't realize he was Indianas OC, but they were good when he was there. A bit of research on him and I'm starting to like the guy. I like he spent time with the wizard that is Leach too. I still favor Meachum, but this guy seems on his way up big time.
  9. I hope it's true. Meachum is laid back, but he's shown some sideline intensity... He's said to be a solid guy to work with by other coaches.
  10. Meachum is not underwhelming for sure and Applewhite has name recognition in Texas. Major is really coming on, but I just think Meachum is the right age and seen the right things in his career to deal with what UNT is. I think Meachum can win here, and I wonder if Major could overcome some of the UNT challenges.
  11. Meachum is probably the more complete coach. Meacham has the "leadership" aurora. He commands respect. I recall his arguing hash mark ball placement with a ref earlier this year....he 'owned' that situation...he looked like a head coach. In fact he reminded me of Art Briles with his intensity.
  12. This. Meachum probably has deeper personal ties, but what HS coach in Texas doesn't know who and what Majors all about? Both are going to be light years better than Mac at recruiting Texas and more specifically in the Denton – DFW area.
  13. I'm watching a Gibbs coached defense and Tech has made big improvements since I saw them play Baylor. Sure Texas isnt Baylor (wow that's still weird to say) but Techs positioning is better, they are ball-hawking...they have real energy. I take back what I said about Gibbs... He's making strides. Daryl
  14. This
  15. Nice thing about it is in era where the focus has to be on the secondary the triple option lulls defenses to sleep. Running the ball every down pulls the secondary towards the line of scrimmage. Of coarse this vital to the passing game. I like 'whatever works' on offense and dominant defense. If a coach came in here and ran the wishbone I'd be behind it as long there are 'W's' that come along with it...
  16. thanks...We saw dark days for sure, but the acts of few don't represent the heart, soul, and spirit of many. I learned a lot living and going to school there. The best place for criminals to hide is right in front of us and while we loved our throwback culture it aided in hiding a devil because 'nothing could ever be Evil in Happy Valley'. We had to get out of the 50's, though we loved it at the same time. Football is still loved and respected, but the modernization has been good. There is so many great things about Penn State.....but I'm a Texas boy and I'm ready to see my other school start winning some games!
  17. while I agree that's what Dan should've been, it obviously didn't translate. That doesn't mean it's the wrong approach.....just the wrong staff to get it done. Underdog schools have to recruit athletes and put them in positions to make plays. That requires coaching, something I think Mac staff did pretty poorly. Converting an undersized playmaking quarterback out of high school and turning him into a wide receiver or a defensive back is what put TCU on the map in those 'turnaround' years. We are never going to be able to recruit even average level talent until teams stop running through us and we put some wins on the board. I do agree that a quick turnaround on offense that puts lots of points on the board will excite the Fanbase and stimulate the program, but I guess I'm just old school and still believe in hard-nosed football being the foundation.
  18. The more I think about it I wonder if we shouldn't take the TCU approach and hire an energy defensive wizard as a coach. A couple of respectable defense years, followed by a couple of dominant defense years, will yield wins which is really what yields recruits. I graduated from Penn State and the smash mouth defense is a culture that all fans are proud of. Patterson did the same thing at TCU making average players defensive hard hitting studs. Defense changes the entire mentality to a strong and winning culture, though we all agree explosive offense is more fun to watch. I'd still start at the foundation of defense. I'd love to see a reputation for toughness at NT....but maybe I just feel that way after watching every team run right through us this year.....
  19. no disagreement.....it usually takes a winner to hire a winner..... Usually.
  20. it's hard to invest in a loser....though that's when there should be investment. When the diamond starts to shine through the cash gets flowing. Coaches directly impact the raising of money.
  21. Do I like Applewhire and Riley - YES! But I do think we'd be better off right now with a Levine type. Been there done that coach. Maybe needs to redeem himself a bit - that'd be ok - something to prove is always good. Start the evolution process, recruit some talent, and leave it better and more desirable in a couple of years.... Hopefully in the hands of a talented and ready coordinator.
  22. Thanks...I'd like to see an experienced mid level coach whose had some success with some young talented coordinators under him. Get the change going. Then when he leaves we've got talent to take over - aka the TCU model.
  23. I lived by TCU the last two years Sulivan was coach and went to a lot of TCU games Over 5-6 years. Boosters at TCU had cash but they were not throwing it down at that time. Franchione got the ball rolling turning around a one win team in the then WAC! They did have LT but he was not highly recruited (TCU, a bad Baylor, and UNT offered). My point is - a coach and his staff can make impact. That impact can get the ball going. Even in Pattersons early years the stadium was half full. Patterson has spent 15 years coaching the hell out of the players he could get. He recruited athletes who were competitive. His stability is also part of the equation. This got boosters back to investing. New facilities, coaches getting paid, and years after Franchione first showed up TCU evolved to the next level. This can happen at UNT... It'll take time, money, and a coach with fire and an eye for talent.
  24. At this point we'd love to have dickey back.... That's kinda sad!
  25. Being a Midlander who spent some time at Tech....wife's from Odessa........I personally would love to see a West Texan Red Raider ex at HC....but Cumbie fits that description too. IF you consider Abilene West Texas.... That's a big IF!
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