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RBP79 last won the day on June 6 2022

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    Rockwall, Tx

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  1. When I push the button to pay...."Due to the high volume of purchases this may take up to 5 minutes to process". Hummmmm..took two seconds. 7 games though.
  2. Fair opinion for a coach below .500.
  3. Unless the PAC (whatever) keeps it's 'P' (Power) designation it doesn't move the needle for me to leave the AAC. And that doesn't seem to be in the conversation.
  4. Use to always go to BB games when I was a student....not much going on in Denton at that time and had a great BB Coach...Bill Blakeley
  5. 28+ thousand attended. I know TSU out numbered NT fans but was pleasantly surprised by all the green I saw around me. One day we will win a bowl game.
  6. PAC has join the "Group of 5" to make it G6. The last realignment hurt both them and MWC. AAC came out on top of both....IMO
  7. Sorry Sport..read that wrong. Deepest apologies. Didn't mean to get you all twisted up. Just get tired of BB folks beating down FB. .
  8. If your such a basketball fan why you on Football threads... I cry BULLSH_T!
  9. Did you really expect a win with our record and all those who deserted to the portal? I didn't... but went to the game anyway.
  10. Just some combo of Green and White.
  11. ECU got hard the last half of the season.
  12. So EM is what...11 and 13 in two years and we're ready to anoint him? COME ON MAN!!
  13. To be honest I was just referring that Smut just wasn't ready for all the glitter and hoopla of being in the College Playoffs. I'm with you...Deion smarter than that.
  14. Not yet ready for "PRIME TIME".
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