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Everything posted by HarringtonFishSmeller

  1. Right. You question the coach, it's a "bit." That's what accountability has become: a "bit." And, it's even more of a "bit" when you point out that you expect other schools to do what you don't demand of your own school. Oh, wait...we have to wait until SIX similar crimes are committed before we are upset that our athletic department and coach don't go more public. Pedestrians around the campus beware: until 10 more of you are mowed down, the athletic department and coaches can't speak of the crime their players commit. There's a threshold, you know: we follow the standard set by Baylor. .
  2. Love the hypocrisy: Our guys gets in trouble, nothing is publicly done, we get caught letting the guy still here work with the team, and we excuse it. Baylor, or anyone else, we want all sorts of public fireworks about it. I also wonder how long it will take before the head coach is responsible for the team in the mind of some here. Many here like the idea of RV changing Littrell's diapers for him so far because it excuses Littrell from the crapping. Not a good start for either of them.
  3. And, maybe Baylor's policy is the same. If you want Baylor to be public about their dirty laundry, you should want us to be public as well. By the way, the one "not on the roster" was caught still working out with the team by a professional soccer beat writer. So, roster listing or not, the kid clearly wasn't being punished by his coach or the athletic department.
  4. One of his latest social media posts: augiebigdawgThis picture means so much to me. Pops, my family, and I have been through a whole lot, but they can't hold us down. Us against the world Anyone? I'm not sure what Vanilla Ice 2016 is talking about here when he says they've "been through a whole lot." Seems to me his dad moved him from school to school to school to school. Whatever hardships that wrought were purely self-inflicted.
  5. Exactly. And, truthfully, Carlos didn't even really dominate C-USun Belt competition. So, NFL was a pipedream. Arena League, maybe. But, many of those AFLers are "blue collar"-types who don't care about the small amount of pay there.
  6. Well...our coach and athletic department have two players arrested for hitting and injuring two pedestrians, then lying to police about it. To date, there doesn't seem to have been any discipline for the two players involved. I know hitting pedestrians with your car isn't as serious as sexual assault...but, explain to me, again, why we are standing in front of our glass house throwing stones?
  7. Bwaahahahahahahahahaha! You must be kidding. Thank you. In a nutshell, this response is what is wrong with many Universities. You can't tell certain groups of people they are lying. You have to let them lie and understand why they lied. If they are not caught in their lie, you just have to understand that some people should lose their jobs because of the lie...and, not ask questions.
  8. Nothing. Same level of recruits as last year as well. Not getting anywhere near the level of recruits Jones was getting during their bowl run. No. This is GMG.com where we pretend that getting prospects without offers from FBS schools is somehow equivalent to getting prospects with offers, player for player, all 85 on the roster. And, we pretend that Shula was landing the same recruits as Alabama that Saban does. There's much pretending here...real life? Not so much.
  9. Listen. This is far, far too easy to figure out. But, I'm going to let you all off the hook, okay? I mean, I know we're desperate for talent, but...please. If you cannot see through this.... I'll give you a gigantic benefit of the doubt by making the same assumptions you all are making, mainly: (1) That in the state of Florida, (2) Head coaches, offensive coordinators, QB coaches, and recruiting coordinators from Miami, Florida, Florida State, Central Florida, South Florida, FIU, FAU (3) And, head coaches, offensive coordinators, QB coaches, and recruiting coordinators from from every FBS school in every state between Florida and Texas (4) Have totally whiffed by not offering this kid, who played high school football for four years right under their noses! See? That's dozens of coaches at legitimate football schools strewn from here to the Atlantic coast, far higher up the totem pole than UNT, just not seeing the value of this kid, right? Yeah, that's the ticket! But, look, I'm going to bow out now and give you all the benefit of the doubt...because we need a QB so badly, and this kid has some HUDL film. I'm going to have popcorn, too, though, as I watch it all go down.
  10. Yes, I'm doing a bit about: (1) Hiring a coach with supposed "Texas high school" recruiting ties, who (2) Hires former Texas Tech players with minimal coaching experience, but also supposed "Texas high school" recruiting ties, and who together use those ties to (3) Steal small stature, small town Oklahoma high school QBs from Austin Peay and Emporia State, (4) And pursue Florida's "top QB prospect" without any offers who can't stay at one school for more than a season because of an overbearing dad who keeps moving him around - in between flying him in and out of an Oklahoma QB guru's camp. Eagle...I have a degree in Literature, and even I couldn't dream up such a bit! I mean, we are being handed comedy gold here by Villarreal and Littrell! If you don't buy season tickets for the football, buy it for the theater! Shakespeare, were he alive at this moment in time, couldn't dream up this kind of stuff! If popcorn doesn't outsell beer this fall at Apogee, my name isn't Orville Redenbacher! (Please, though, keep the liquor, guns and knives away from the big money donors who arrive to see the show...that they are funding!)
  11. The smart kid from Oklahoma is grounded. The kid from Florida appears to have a flake for a dad who has a demonstrated history of moving his kid when things aren't to his liking. You think this is the program - University of North Texas football - that needs that type of drama on top of all the other problems it has? I'm not extrapolating anything. I'm going by what I've read about the kid and his dad from people in Florida who have seen dad's shenanigans first hand. The pic comes straight from the kid's twitter. To me, it's embarrassing that Littrell would give any kid with this type of dad - and, mixed up with Joe Dickinson - a sniff. It shows how truly desperate we are at QB if we extend an offer to this kid...and, of course, his dad.
  12. No. That's the "top QB prospect" with no offers that is visiting this weekend.
  13. Interview with Dad Debiase in 2013...using his Down Syndrome kid as a shield: http://www.news4jax.com/news/extended-interview-with-markies-father-mark-debiase By the way, after talking about how important it was to have his kids together at this school, he transferred his son two more times. So...guess it wasn't as important as he said. Any other questions about why this kid doesn't have any other offers?
  14. Not sure why this kid's dad felt the need to keep buying him QB positions in high school. Other colleges, obviously, aren't going for it. Here is where I get really, really down to the nitty-gritty: Give me the Oklahoma kid from the 1,000 person town who has good grades and stats 1,000 times over this kid who comes with the wealthy dad anchor. Littrell can't even communicate the suspension of a player arrested for a felony to the player or his coaching staff . How would he handle this kid's dad in his hip pocket, day in and day out, for four years?
  15. More "DeBartolo Sports Academy"/Dickinson corn on this kid: http://www.debartoloqbacademy.com/news-blog/2014/8/26/seasoned-qb-augie-debiase-reflects-on-the-past-and-preparing-for-the-upcoming-season
  16. Here's likely why the kid is not being recruited harder: http://football.debartolosportsu.com/news/view/474 His dad. Specifically, his dad has had him hooked up with kook/guru Joe Dickinson who briefly was an assistant at OU - when Littrell was there, but before Stoops and a real coaching staff were hired. This Dickinson styles himself as a QB guru: http://football.debartolosportsu.com/team In my opinion, there is no bigger name dropper than Dickinson. That this kid's name is firmly attached to him likely just causes many colleges coaches to say, "Thanks, but no thanks." A Florida State message board on the transferring around/further Dad issues with this kid: http://floridastate.247sports.com/Board/36/Contents/spring-games-37013450
  17. If we are losing again this fall, and it is apparent Littrell doesn't know what he's doing, this is a legitimate excuse for those who say he was moving, renting, still in NC, on the road instead of telling his S&C coach that the kid arrested for the felony a couple of weeks ago can't be around the team...or, even bothering to suspend the kid at all. And, I said it once before, but it bears repeating now: I'm not drinking any more kool-aid from any other coach. Be a coach. This "can't be bothered, he's doing other things" thing is baloney. He's the head coach, and better be able to juggle responsibilities. The days of just showing up to draw up the offense and working with one group of kids is long gone. For what he's being paid, he needs to at least act like a head coach. If he's not going to, let's go ahead and swap head coaches right now with Emporia State, since we're recruiting their players: http://www.esuhornets.com/coaches.aspx?rc=261&path=football (And, yes, that the man looks like a grown up Garth Algar is a strong selling point to white recruits' parents.)
  18. Yes, agree. But, that's the bipolar nature of this fan base: (1) The coach that takes you to four bowl games was an idiot who couldn't get good players, wasn't friendly/kiss ass enough (2) The quarterback who led your offense to the highest point total since rejoining I-A/FBS and helped win another bowl game sucked and should have been on the bench behind a kid who never lifted weights or watched film or studied the playbook. This fan base cannot handle success. This is our fanbase:
  19. No. He began working for UNT in December. Quit making excuses for him. What will your excuse for him be when we're piling up losses in the fall? He was doing yard work? He has small children and has to help his wife look after them? He was hanging curtains in the living room?
  20. Ok, look...that's not what we were told when he was hired. We were told he did have these contacts, and that was one of the primary reasons he was hired. So, that's the beef here. We slobbered all over him because he played at OU and coached at Tech. Then, right out of the box hired two of Leach's flunkies as assistants/former players. "All of these ties to Texas and its brand new, shiny Air Raid offenses the Texas high schools run now" we heard and heard and heard again. Well, it's not playing out that way. As it stands, we have an Oklahoma QB who is about my size that played in what is probably the equivalent of Texas 2A or A football. And, some kid from Florida who has no offers, but some interest from Indiana...although Indiana doesn't seem to be working all that hard to get him to commit. I said last month, and I'll say it again...he won't do it recruiting with his "ties" or hiring a whole staff full of Mike Leach's kool-aid drinking rednecks. If we win, the recruiting will pick up. If we keep losing...it doesn't matter who many Sand Aggie flunkies he hires, he isn't going to recruit well. What bothers me is that I figured we'd at least be competing with G5 level schools for most of these recruits. I never dreamed we be poking around with kids with no FBS offers again. And, look...I get that this kid Littrell, isn't going to stop stomp around and say, "hell" and "damn" like McCarney, okay? I get that. But, I don't get the quiet act after a felony arrest of one of his players. That's weird to me. This whole "RV should have told the S&C coach, this and that" about the kid...is pure bullshit. Littrell is the head coach. The S&C coach should be getting direct order from the head coach, who should be 138% involved in his players' whereabouts after a felony arrest. This isn't rocket science. It's worrisome...to a certain degree. I mean, one way or the other. This being a fan thing is a hobby. But, the athletic department wants us to spend money on their circus. Well, this circus doesn't look much different than the others that past through and left behind nothing more than sawdust, glitter, and elephant droppings.
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